OP just casually taking us to the brink like that. Good on them.
Better check your punctionary, you just said you plan open a time-frosted radio pipe with a kiwi-flavored stock market.
…or maybe you intended to say that.
Had me up until the last sentence, then faith restored.
If you think that’ll be awesome, wait till words are reduced to punctuation marks, and none of them mean what we’d expect.
tf? You mean to tell me that there’s something billies can’t money their way out of? I’m temporarily impressed, right up until they do that, too.
Agreed on all points, friend.
I grew up in it, too, and now I’m a basic LaVeyan Satanist. gg authoritarian regressives!
Goddamn, that was a very tough read.
It just doesn’t fucking stop with these degenerates!
jesus fucking christ. The only thing that’s ever been connected to either the numbers 616 or 666… is Christians irrational terror of them, all induced by their book. GJ.
So I can claim that over a million people on both platforms run their due diligence and actually click on cited sources, disregard your demand for proof, and you still won’t have done anything to prove me wrong? Do I have that correct?
“Eroxon! Apply directly to the dickhead!”
“Oh cupcake” lmao You’re very welcome, and do take care!
That still wouldn’t prove me wrong, there could be users the sources don’t cover.
If I said over a million users on each platform, what would you do to prove me wrong?
Is your argument that “There’s misinformation everywhere, so I should just get it from an algorithm that’s so good that I only really see what I want to see.”?
Because if so, you’ve already ended your argument, whether you realize it or not.
Is this… Loss?