Some empires that ought to fall… google, facebook, microsoft
Some empires that ought to fall… google, facebook, microsoft
Nah, he just slowly upgraded and remodel on the spot. The guy never moved from that spot. 🤥
Afterwards, 30 chained fast food resturants along with gas stations can be built along it followed by market advertisement campaigns to set up billboards
In the past maybe, but certainly not these days. It’s overglorified corporate money grab propaganda, that goes around shamelessy guilt tripping viewers when truth is spoken. Much of these so-called content creators do not much else than making face react videos to something they saw and just talk about their likes or dislikes. They get paid lots just to make a soy-jack face and shitty clickbaits. The amount of money some them get paid is large sums insane for little efforts in proportion to what worth it actually ought to be. There people out there putting real efforts and labor to contributions to society to keep it running that paid squat in comparison. Its sad really. Go ahead downvote me, it doesn’t change the truth i speak.
I disagree, i despise the spork. Combining two things that work best in their own task seperately is terrible. Try to get the last bit of pudding out a pudding cup or twirl noodles with it and you can see it’s not as effective, terrible even.
Ah yes, just peel the slots off
Call them what they truely are. Digital panhandlers
Don’t shift the blame on “people wants” as if they’re owed by the people. Most people dont even ask for whatever content that is pushed out. And what’s more content creator is just a glorified term for online digital panhandlers. And they frame it as if viewers are meant to owe them something all while contributing as little to their efforts that amounts to no significance as possible. Imagine paying someone to make a facial reaction and talking for a bit everytime you passed a panhandler and they call themselves a content creator. It’s bogus way to frame or even justify that especially considering they get payed far larger sums comparison to people who actully work for a living while dodging the taxes. And is unlikely any such platform as youtube as well as its big panhandlers are struggling with finances. Youtube gets $15 billion dollars a year in ad revenue and hey greedily continue the push for more ads. And the digital panhandlers calling themselves content creators can make more money in a week than the typical wage slave can in a year.
Ah yes, youtube now is just one big ad and sponsorship cesspool flooded with clickbait and misinformation and with highly privacy invasive protocol. Its a souless capitalisic corporate machine. I dont know why people would still use it. Just let youtube die.
Oh certainly i expect it. But before something takes their place, would at least give a small window of hope before the replacement establishes a solid footing. We can at least know what to expect.