I think the joke is that if this bag falls apart, which was supposed to last a lifetime, that it must mean your life is near its end, as though the life of the bag and your own are intertwined.
I think the joke is that if this bag falls apart, which was supposed to last a lifetime, that it must mean your life is near its end, as though the life of the bag and your own are intertwined.
Murgatroyd, which was the last name of one of the dancers on Dancing With The Stars. To me, it sounds very sci-fi, it makes me think of how Trillian combined her first and last name to make something sound more “space-like” in Hitchhikers Guide.
Or breaking wind. This one has so many layers
From Snopes:
An alternative theory holds that the creature’s altered appearance in taxidermy form was intentional and/or the result of the taxidermist’s expectation that the animal would be viewed only from a particular angle:
When seen from the side the lion actually has quite a ferocious appearance. In this context, the lion’s bizarre tongue and fake teeth make some kind of sense. Even the close-set position of the eyes seems to have been done in order to make them appear furrowed and angry. Perhaps the taxidermist simply focused too much on side-view images when mounting the pelt, or the lion was (somehow) never intended to be seen from more than one angle.
I get migraines triggered from sinus pressure. Do you know what triggers yours?
Because mine are often from sinus issues, treating that will often help relieve or prevent the migraines. Tylenol Sinus and Allegra D have been the two things that really work for me, depending on the situation.
Post Covid had me congested for several months, accompanied by a constant baseline headache and migraines every other day. Allegra D was really a godsend that got me through that time.
In any case, best of luck, I hope you find some relief!
Ha! You might as well give up and wear diapers at that point!
Yes! I loved Rocky Rococo’s! Jets can almost scratch that itch, but I wish there were still Rocky Rococo’s near me.
Depending on your definition of literary, one of my favorites was Hellboy’s My Vacation in Hell. If I end up finding a version posted somewhere, I’ll add a link.
That’s interesting! I’d hate if the unusual word came up randomly in an everyday situation. “Not like this!” as you fight your bladder from releasing a deluge while you’re on a commute on a bus…
For the last 20 years, I’ve worked in smaller tech start ups (~10-50 people) and one larger more corporate tech place (~300 people), and they’ve all been salaried, 9-5. Since they’re salaried, it’s a paid lunch period.