You heathen! You would allow little innocent children to see boobies! This is an outrage!
You heathen! You would allow little innocent children to see boobies! This is an outrage!
Lol. Cartoon characters giving consent.
There is nothing inherently wrong with nudity and sexuality.
It only makes you uncomfortable because of the way you were raised. But it’s difficult for you to see that you are looking at this with those set of values.
The only thing offensive to public order and morals is prudish bullshit religious ideology.
Nothing about the naked human form is immoral.
How far up your ass is your head currently located? I mean, do I need to call guiness record company, let me know I think we can get paid for submitting the record. I’ll be your witness.
No. If you are against Jews or Jewish people in general or even if you just think ill of them, you’re a fucking bigoted piece of shit.
I was talking about the Israeli government, not Jewish people.
But you have to inject it. And put a flashlight in your ass.
Would be cool if we have records of who has taken care of it
This cat definitely qualifies as a chonker
Metaphorical yesterday, but from the article is says maybe Iran government helped hamas? I don’t know, I just know that what hamas does to Israeli people is nothing compared to what Israel has done to the Palestinian people.
But what’s funny is that Israeli government probably did kill a few Palestinians yesterday…. Which neither of us questioned. Funny not funny
Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Pretty sure hamas did these attacks because of what Israel did to them yesterday….
The Israeli government is a disgrace. Shameful corrupt regime needs to be jailed for crimes against humanity.
Yes haha…. Sorry that was a trumpian slip…. Trump wishes he was married to ivanka but Melania is his wife….
Will be funny to see Ivanka leave him once everyone knows how broke trump really is…
Misleading headline. More than 70% of American workers support unions.
I don’t think she was making any decisions actually. Not even regarding which direction to wipe.
Meh. You worry too much. According to your narrative they were telling us the truth before this…. Haha
Did someone say ass pennies?