Where does this idea come from? European agriculture is much more resilient to cold than it is to heat, as it has historically developed to withstand harsh winters.
Where does this idea come from? European agriculture is much more resilient to cold than it is to heat, as it has historically developed to withstand harsh winters.
Wow! What is it made out of? Plastic?
There’s very extensive documentation on running your own server: https://solidproject.org//self-hosting/css
And this will answer some of your questions: https://solidproject.org/about
Solid is a specification made for other apps to run on. Here’s a list of apps that have been built on top of solid: https://solidproject.org/apps
This is what a lot of people do when they create a Single user instance. You can learn more about that here: https://calebhearth.com/running-mastodon
There’s other projects that are trying to implement your ‘Earthling’ idea. There’s the Solid project for instance: https://solidproject.org/
Thank you 🙏