OP- Consider removing the 3 “opens new tab” statements. Those are an artifact of how you copied the article’s content.
OP- Consider removing the 3 “opens new tab” statements. Those are an artifact of how you copied the article’s content.
They charge to 80% quickly so I think anyone staying longer than about 25 minutes probably found something to do nearby such as eat at a restaurant or do some shopping. I think most people that own EVs do most of their charging at home so the only time they use chargers is on long trips and they plan their charging stop(s) to be when they’d already be needing to pee, stretch their legs, and maybe eat a quick meal.
Finally a headline that doesn’t bury the lede. Local news outlets have been using headlines that suggest the concern is his reading of profanity and not that he substituted a colleague’s name into a story about rape.
Seeing the CPI plotted over time helps to get a clearer feel for how it is changing:
Based on that chart, things don’t look as dire as the cited “~20% since 2020” stat. Yeah, we’re all still feeling the effect but it seems that the rate has dropped into normal-ish territory. Now the questions are “How close are businesses to really feeling the hurt of the lack of cheap borrowing?” and “If/when we drop interest rates how much immediate effect will that have on inflation? How much can we drop it without really spiking inflation again?”
Finally a proper shower thought in this community haha.
CyberArk is a commercial product that attacks this problem space. It puts an agent process on the host next to your app. Only processes whose fingerprint matches those authorized to access a credential are allowed to fetch it. That fingerprint can be based on the host (known list of production hosts), the os user ID that owns the pid, the path to the executable for the pid, and probably a few more items.
Under that model your app just needs to know the environment that it wants (inject however you want) and the userid it wants to use. At runtime it reaches out to the local cyberark agent to obtain the password secret.
We’ve seen his lawyer go to prison before and that pattern may repeat here. We’ll just have to see whether he ends up seeing the inside of a cell along with them.
After a dramatic filibuster effort earlier this year NE changed their abortion law to a ban that starts at 12 weeks.
States co-signing it: Indiana, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina
Great article. Thanks for sharing.