I don’t know what I personally think, but my guess about the justification is that the state intervenes when it’s in the best interests of the child. Its purpose is to protect and aid the minor when families can’t.
It is considered a harm to deprive children permanently of access to their parents, without showing that it’s more harmful for the kid to be around them. So crime doesn’t automatically remove access. Is the theory.
The state isn’t supposed to treat permanent removal of access to a child as another criminal punishment. One thing I do agree on, though, is that people who rape kids shouldn’t have unsupervised visits with their minor children, since they’ve proven themselves harmful specifically to children. Not even supervised, honestly.
I guess I’d want to see studies about outcomes of kids who are allowed around convicted adult rapist parents, vs those allowed access to parents convicted of nonviolent crimes. Or a study designed by people who know how to design studies well. Instead of my rambling suggestion.
I worry that our vibe checks get warped around kids, and we ignore what’s proven right vs what feels right. Like people who feel really strongly that kids need their parents specifically have warped the narrative on this issue, and I don’t want to warp it in a different way.
I like where the picture cuts off. I can imagine the tail continuing forever
I helped a lady your age pick out a color for a room in her house, and she ended up going for a very bright peach. She loved it so much she put it in every room in her house where she didn’t have a color picked out.
If you aren’t planning to sell in a year or two, I say pick something that makes you happy when you see it. Realtors might have a different favorite color in 5 years.
Does it take a while to tie it properly or is there a trick to it? I’ve thought about doing this before.
I had a cat named Stitch years ago and I did a doubletake because my boy was an enormous orange longhair. These two would’ve looked hilarious side by side.
Yeah this is similar to my experience. Some stuff gets done without that monologue, but I’m not completely without it.
Why is everyone laughing at me?!?! (his tongue had been sticking out for like five minutes at that point)
In the thumbnail, I thought there was a red arrow pointing to the tip of its ear. I was just like “yes, agreed” until I looked closer.
Does this one work?