It was! Just beat the true boss and got all the powerups. I don’t think I’ll do all the arena stuff, but it was super worth playing, especially for the price.
It was! Just beat the true boss and got all the powerups. I don’t think I’ll do all the arena stuff, but it was super worth playing, especially for the price.
Oh that sounds right up my alley! Looking forward to this on the Deck
Thanks for the recommendation! I hadn’t heard of it before but bought it on sale today. Looks pretty good and I appreciate they have options for people who suck at bullet hell games 😆
Fuck all the way off, asshole! What possible reasons are there to avoid the fucking polio vaccine??
That’s a hell of a leap there chief.
Oh did OP mean his adoptive parents? I was thinking about his birth parents on Krypton.
Or the content is encrypted, but the metadata isn’t, so they can market to you based on who you talk to and what they buy, etc.
I switched to a paid domain in the last few months and regret not doing it sooner - it just works, and it’s nice knowing that I won’t have to reconfigure all my stuff to point at a different domain name again in the future. Price was maybe $15/year on porkbun - very much worth it imo.
I’ve also used freedns in the past and had no complaints about them, except that I think wildcard subdomains are limited to paid supporters (very cheap though) and at the time my SWAG docker image maybe didn’t support them? It’s been a while. The service was great though. Never had problems like I did with duckdns.
Some people would order two burgers even though they like fries! It’s a spectrum, yeah?