Relevant Hacker News thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37112741
Relevant Hacker News thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37112741
Relevant Hacker News thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37112741
I would kill for this on iOS. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty happy with my Safari Extensions, but I’d rather have uBlock Origin, Stylish etc.
I’m usually on mainline, but I am currently on iOS 17 Beta 5
I’ve recently been looking at Hopscotch: https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch
But the free version of Postman seems to offer everything we’d want.
I also would have said Apollo. Since that died I’ve not used my phone all that much.
So, right now it’s a tie between Home Assistant and 1Password 8.
My iPhone 14 Pro is hovering around 95%, so only a five percent reduction in 10-11 months. This seems perfectly acceptable to me, but maybe I’m an outlier.
This is great, but I’ve not run sudo on a Mac for daily DevOps duties for at least five years now. If sudo is part of your workflow, question your workflow.