It’s a pad and always has been.
It’s a pad and always has been.
Purely just send.
You ain’t gonna learn to swim in the wading pool, take a leap and break something.
It’s like any job - you can be talked to about x, y or z until the cows come home but until you stub your toe on a specific issue it’s mostly just fluff.
I’ve committed unencrypted secrets to codeberg, deleted boot partitions without rebuilding (nixos), tested most Linux distros until I got comfortable.
Dumb mistakes are bound to happen (I feel mostly to me) but you don’t learn without seeing the repercussions. Linux isn’t scary - closed source crapware is; no matter how “user friendly” it’s made out to be.
Edit: formatting
Wish it worked for my pixel watch, really dropped the ball there google.
I believe tuxclocker has NVIDIA plugins.
Off topic but IPMI is such a handy feature. I’ve got an old x99 board with it, and man being able to remotely power cycle a frozen machine is missed. Even being able to change UEFI settings without having to drag out a monitor and keyboard.
Thanks for giving further info, there are lots of people that want more privacy but are uninformed on the depths of what’s required.
I’m looking at moving to Graphene on my P7P but I don’t have the time to spend migrating my data and losing access to my digital only debit cards among other things.
My server among many other services is running immich for photos, Syncthing + Keepass for passwords but there are many more services I’ll need to spin-up to feel at ease leaving the Google ecosystem.
Even Tailscale I want to migrate to Headscale / Netbird. I’ll eventually get everything where I want it but there are only so many hours in the day, and so much coffee and ritalin I can consume before it’s two sleeps to Christmas.
It’s baffling even with something simple like a DNS ad blocker - the volume of communication from my partners Windows laptop, her iPhone and my Android phone being blocked with no loss of functionality. I don’t want to look at wireshark.
You’re worried about Google watching what videos you watch, presumably while signed into your Google account on an android phone?
Unless you’re running Graphene that level of abstraction isn’t much in their way.
I’ve got a “shitbox” VW Golf - the twin charger version, it’s only around 118kw. It’s not quick by any stretch of the imagination even with the bolt-on mods mine has so far.
I’d not like to imagine the levels of trouble I’d find myself in owning even a midrange EV. Being able to give an EV a ham sandwich and hit 100kph in ~5 seconds or less is absurd.
Nah they all stick, but priorities are priorities.
New shiny is much higher on the to-do than the stack of #TODO in my git or the half finished stack of 3d printed parts, or that access point that is begging to be put back together.
It’s good having variety, I’m able to bounce between things while never really getting bored of one thing.
Yeah I can’t see a file / folder view on the new client. Not that I saw one on the old android client either.
Must admit the new app is more responsive than the old version on my P7P however having “new on XYZ” service that I don’t have is a shit addition to the new client.
Was commonplace in vanilla wow, you would see common items in the Auction House selling for silly prices - those were the players buying gold. Washing it via the auction house making it seem more legitimate.
Ryujinx reached an agreement with Nintendo is the rumour.
Hospitality is this for me, and has been for the last 18~ years.
Really you have a good hour of power where the bulk of customers will want to eat, drink and have a good time - all at once because fuck the kitchen and the bar.
Having to relay information from the kitchen, make sure the bar hasn’t lost a docket, dealing with spills, intoxicated patrons, wait people missing a meal / adding the wrong meal to an order plus the general meeting and greeting of walk-ins / bookings.
It’s also managing wages - when to knock people off, who to send home early, who costs more, who is unwell or le’ tired. Who can’t work together, who is bad at pack down or requires micromanagement once the busy period is over.
It’s a never ending list of monitoring, putting out fires, managing expectations of patrons and staff - all the while being legitimately nice and keeping your cool.
Oh, and if something gets missed you’ve just put the next days crew in a bad spot. Didn’t prep that aquafaba? Forgot to swap a postmix bag, change a gas bottle, polish cutlery, clear tables or even check the fucking toilets for passed-out patrons?
Rinse and repeat 5+ days a week. And this isn’t including how to manage personal relationships, hobbies and general self-care when everyone else is working a 9-5.
At least I’m not bald or grey yet.
dyne:bolic - specifically 1.4.1
Had support for the original Xbox, a multimedia editing / streaming focussed OS. I’d never run it on mine - just messed with xdsl before going back to XBMC.
I’d much prefer to have beige painted steel and some rail mounts on the side. Would totally swap one of my servers into that chassis.
I tried and bricked my S10+
Soft bricked, can probably recover but have not got the time to bring it back.
Are CTE the same as GGP?
The same reason you don’t open letters or cut open cartons with your kitchen knives, also the same reason your kitchen knives should never end up in your dishwasher.