This when you pad your time and set hard boundaries for what you can do. I like to schedule emails for later in the day. It helps that I work from home
This when you pad your time and set hard boundaries for what you can do. I like to schedule emails for later in the day. It helps that I work from home
I want to be as efficient as possible for my job. So I can get as much done in as little amount of time as possible so I can get back to my life. Only goal
There’s so many different companies that are just resume hunting. Don’t know why really
I’ve found that jobs that are actually hiring move quickly. They move from applications to interview within a few days. Constant talking about within the hour seems excessive.
Anytime my player use their actions and resources to interact with the world as of it’s real I like to support it. I in turn treat the world real back which is what the player wants to do. We like to talk it through to make sure it feels fair to both of us.
For this example where your player is pouring oil and lighting a weapon rack on fire. So I would tell them that the oil will become visible once poured. So I would do a stealth check to get it lite. And either 1d4 rounds until the notice or give the enemy a check each round. Its fun to have these back and forth
I also like powdered detergent. I get mine from the package free store and then add in those scent boosts pellets for our scent only. Work so much better than liquid detergent
Really anything that shows or hints that any part of their “natural” order is something created. Gender is a big one but anything
They knew that their attacks on gay people weren’t as popular as they once were so they are taking the exact same tactics and language and moving it towards Trans people. It both predictable and sad at the same time
Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a “kink” and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
This is the whole point of these porn bans is to remove queer people from the internet. The porn cover just allows it to happen. So whenever you see anything about porn bans think queer ban first and then some porn removal that comes right back
I had to drop Imperfect Food as well from the same problems. It was just more expensive than I needed. I haven’t found a replacement yet unfortunately. We are now just buying food as needed. I have been interested in a CSA but haven’t done it yet
A Republican hasn’t won a state wide race in like a decade but within the state it’s closer. Like everywhere there’s blue cities and red rurals areas.
I would recommend watching some videos of actual play for the system to get an idea about what happens during the game. Just note that watching “professional” DND is just watching any professional. You wouldn’t expect your pickup home game of basket to be identical to the NBA so the same with your TTRPG.
Like all things it helps to watch others. If you find a group they will likely help you out. Just note your experience level and they will be supportive.
Chris Perkins is retiring I think. I used to watch DnD official interviews and chats for a while while Todd Kendrick did their interviews for DnDBeyonds social team. He was awesome but I think they stopped doing them. Jeremy Crawford is there head of rules who I really like but others are not a fan. ( I think it’s something to do with his unofficial ruling via Twitter IDK.) I have stopped post OGL nonsense and when Todd was let go / the killed his interview show.
You are right that with some social pressure a CR system could pull people off. I’m sure the DnD team are trying to keep the big streamers happy. Paizo before they did pathfinder was the publisher of the official DnD magazine before that was killed / brought in house. So it can be done
For sure. I think if some of the big streamers move to their own systems that would have some big blows. I haven’t used Critical Roles new systems but I assume they could get a big switch over if they push it hard
I do think another system has a chance of becoming popular but I would guess it would be a large second after DnD with lots of splintering. I LOVE Paizo and Pathfinder. Free online searchable rules are amazing and no one plays 3.5e when pathfinder 1 exists since its just a straight upgrade. That being said both Pathfinder editions are still super crunchy, math heavy and require research to make a playable character. Its still called Mathfinder for a reasons so there is a limit to its userbase.
That being said I know there will be plenty of Plan B and other systems waiting for when DnD really messes up. You can see that with the OGL problems where tons of new content was created especially since you can’t copyright rules or stat blocks. I think the ORC will end up being a longer term stabilizing and creative force for TTRPG. But DnD will still be here because its basically a synonym for TTRPGs at this point.
I don’t think this very hard to predict. Everyone is going to slowly move into 5.5 edition over the next few years as they start new campaigns since there are good quality of life increases in this edition in the exact same way no one plays 3.0 but only 3.5. Hasbro is going to try some stupid digital only / VTT which is going to be pushed really hard. Its going to be a mild success but Roll20 and cheaper / freer VTTs still exist it won’t make as much money as expected. Hasbro is going to then make some A.I. DM which is going to be awful despite spending millions in development and marketing. No one will want to use it because it defeats the whole purpose of DnD and will be too expensive. There will then be some crisis about the DnD brand when Hasbro can’t make enough money off of it but it won’t affect people who have physical books who will continue to play the same way they always have. I am calling it now
The invasion of Iraq was a great decision. The region will be much safer
I have loved by Loops for concerts. They keep all of the music but remove all of the screaming. I used them when I watched Taylor Swift which was all screams and loved it
With her current amount of money I think that would be a No. However, it is interesting since she directly makes what is she is getting paid for which is her music. There are obviously teams of people she employs to help with this process as well as the spin off products (merchandise, CDs, movies, etc.) but she directly makes what she sells like all musicians. If she was barely scraping by with just her music I think most people would say that she would be working class. So it gets blurry.
I think its similar to athletes who do the core work that they get paid to do (i.e. play the sport). But make additional funds by selling their name and likeness. So they could be considered working class but then you get to the amount of money they make as well.
Never for when you are in the office. Unless you can “work” by goofing around with coworkers or wandering around holding things while listening to podcasts