If you’re not home and the neighbor notices something suspicious happening at your house, they could call the cops/call you, or they could just pretend they didn’t see it because FU. If your mailbox is on the other side of the street in someone else’s lawn, they could weed whack carefully around it or they could “”“accidentally”“” damage the post every time. They could pick up their dog’s shit or they could send their dog over to use your yard. While all of those negative outcomes could be solved with security cameras and at worst a trip to small claims court, it’s still a hassle. Just depends on what’s worth more to you.
Serious question for you OP and I ask it in a spirit of… possible solidarity? Anyway: I tend to word things clumsily, flub delicate social situations, and just generally put my foot in my mouth at the worst possible time. It’s worse in high pressure situations. Are you like this too, and if so, do you worry a lot about unintentionally sabotaging your livelihood or relationships?