Depends on the easter egg though, no? Look up FF:06:B5 and see how deep is that for you.
Depends on the easter egg though, no? Look up FF:06:B5 and see how deep is that for you.
Tell me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077 without telling me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077.
My dude, the easter eggs have easter eggs.
They are doing the Nike mistake - they are targeting users that have already purchased a Mac. Data-driven decisions are great, but this would just result in alienating people who are not already customers, or chase people out who are unhappy with this decision, so their next purchase will not be a Mac.
I… uh… I know it’s going to be an unpopular opinion, but it makes sense. It’s not intended for daily usage - macs wake up on a keyboard or cursor movement. Sitting on the back increases the chance of accidental presses when you are trying to plug something in.
You have a very few specific incidents where you would need to press the power button. 80% of their user base will not use the power button after the first initial press.
I actually read somewhere that this is exactly the case they are making. It’s anti-consumer friendly or some dimwitted bulshit like that
My prayers are heard. I hope you burn in the lowest circles of hell, Adobe.
How dare you have secrets? What are you hiding there? Why are you trying to have privacy? How dare you?
No reasons to be concerned, citizen. The former head of the largest surveillance agency in the world just joined as a C-level member to the largest data scraping company in the world
Wrong. In the keynote, they announced that the server handling all this will be open source and anyone can analyse the code for exactly the malicious behaviour that Microsoft is pushing.
I’m not an Apple shill, but at least this they handled much better than MS
Whoops, forgot to add more bloat
If you haven’t already tried the DLCs, you should. AI gets very improved and the behaviour is much more normal and humanlike.
I use Figma at work hahaha
the pirate stuff lets me control what version I want / need.
Oh, if they PROMISE.
Fuck Adobe. I’ll pirate PS and AI until I die. Greedy fucking pigboys.
Fuck Adobe. I have never and will never give them a cent. And I truly hope “piracy is theft” is for real, so I can take my beloved PS and Illustrator out of their grubby little hands.
I fully believe you after being around Jita for the weekend. People give absolute no fucks what sec they are in.
Wow, thank you. Very thorough explanation.
I’m asking because I started playing Eve Online a couple of weeks ago, and I wonder why would anyone need another space sim game, because I don’t think anyone can fully grasp Eve. But apparently they are very different in how the game feels, handles, and plays.
I think Eve’s monetisation is a bit less predatory than what Star Citizen offers.
Thank you! Great explanation <3
Can someone who has played both Star Citizen and Eve Online tell me what the major differences are?
Well, time to grab some blowtorches and get medieval on someone