how come this image loaded from the right to left?
it was almost reminiscent of dialup internet, I kinda loved it (once I got over the annoyance of it not being loaded)
how come this image loaded from the right to left?
it was almost reminiscent of dialup internet, I kinda loved it (once I got over the annoyance of it not being loaded)
made my day - thanks!
Yesterday on my bike. managed a few jumps and even a wall-ride transition.
strange question, though - is this a euphamism from ‘the kids’ I don’t know about?
if I ever get to name a trick or trail, this might have to be it
did you mean tist?
tough crowd…
somehow 6 feels great, if you can get it but usually my sinuses cave in screwing everything up
yes! sleep gets worse Dunnit? and that makes everything a bit shitter than needes
further to this, we tend to get greater responsibilities as we age, and they’re no fucking fun, are they?
watch out kids - don’t grow up, it’s a TRAP (and not the good kind). Still, it’s mostly mental, a lot of the time
Not what I thought I’d be thinking about today, but we’re multi-track drifting these days so I’ll enjoy it.
Thanks for that. We are a strange bunch after all…
Do people really enjoy that? Most kinkybstuff I can see how it might be ‘a thing’ for someone but inhibiting their breath?
I am asthmatic however, so maybe it’s just scarring
We’re here for it, keep those creative juices flowing
Owned by dirty uncle Microsoft, that’s why.
I misread the title as edging
Ive got nothing really to contribute, just know that I’m here rounding out the left-hand of the bell curve for the rest of you filthy animals!
Careful, the govt might copy the idea!
Nope! that’s the falllout variant, maybe?
Wow - question is, is E. Dick better with beans, jeans or artisinal eggs?
So many nuns!
that’s an interesting angle I’d not thought of before…