There’s oil there, Alaska isn’t going anywhere.
There’s oil there, Alaska isn’t going anywhere.
It’s the title of the post he linked to. There’s a backup link in the article as well as a faq.
If you remember to do it after getting pissed off enough at it, sure 😀
No, it’s not.
What you’re talking about is UAC flipping out because you double clicked on something and it want’s admin privilege (the GUI equivalent of what bioemerl talked about).
I’m talking about exactly what bioemerl was: You open cmd window, try to run a command and it bitches that you need admin rights, as an admin. So, you have to go back, search for cmd, then select the option: Run as administrator.
Probably the fact that, even if you define the account as Admin in windows, you still need to select “Windows sudo” (run as Administrator) before it actually elevates privilege.
You have to wonder if Putin’s ass is jealous of the shit his mouth spews.
None at all. On the plus side, the last time someone went that pants-on-head stupid and put mines where they shouldn’t, it was a very short war.
So, the take away is Russia is so shitty they’ll fight to get out of it?
The amount of copium you transmit is incredible. I hope you one day get some help.
It’s funny how you always jump to everyone being racist. Project much? You should be better than that.
The fact that you even think this story is plausible further highlights your view that Chinese are some primitive barbarians using balloons for spying.
The fact you consider the Chinese primitive barbarians is pretty telling on your racism. Personally, I’d think a high tech solution that you might believe is undetectable would be a fantastic way to gather information, since satellites tend to travel in known trajectories so you can cover up anything interesting when you know they’ll be in the sky. You really need to check that racism there.
The most hilarious part here is how you just keep doubling down on this acting all smug. Once again, there is zero evidence for your conspiracy theory, but you keep on digging there.
Nope, not acting smug, just trying to help you understand that you misread the article.
Your statement:
“Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told CBS News today that the so-called Chinese spy balloon that flew over the U.S. seven months ago wasn’t spying at all. (cbsnews.com)”
The two statements from that actual Chairmain of the JCS in the article:
“The intelligence community, their assessment – and it’s a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon,”
“I would say it was a spy balloon that we know with high degree of certainty got no intelligence, and didn’t transmit any intelligence back to China.”
I get you have problems understanding that, since it doesn’t fit your narrative. I’m just trying to help you.
It’s ok, I understand english is hard for you. It’s confusing where the author of the article states their thought (it wasn’t spying) and the chairman of the JCS says “it was a spy balloon, it just couldn’t gather any data” is hard to follow.
The fact that the Chinese spy balloon couldn’t collect any data just shows the quality of manufacturing I guess. That or they need to work on their ability to steal technology to get it to work for them. Who knows. What it doesn’t make it is “a so called spy balloon”.
I’d say the person who can’t actually digest the article which boils down to:
It was a spy balloon
That couldn’t actually do its’ job
And apparently couldn’t be controlled
would be the one “guzzling propaganda”
You are very intelligent
I’m sorry if you can’t read the stories you post, understand what they say or can’t be slanted to fit your justification for bad behavior.
The additional thing I found hilarious about the whole escapade was China not being able to use the self-destruct function. It’s almost like the balloon had all signals capabilities jammed from the moment it started drifting into US airspace… Weird.
“So called spy balloon”
Since OP can’t apparently read their own article
Milley replied, “I would say it was a spy balloon that we know with high degree of certainty got no intelligence, and didn’t transmit any intelligence back to China.”
China (poorly) performed an act of espionage and lemmygrad thinks the US government overreacted. I’m shocked.
Great, now do it with all of the confederacy crap
It’s a microcontroller that runs within Intel based systems allowing full control access at the processor level. It runs outside of your processor and any time the system is plugged in or is on battery. It doesn’t require the main processor up for it to be accessible. More info on it on [wikipedia]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel\_Management\_Engine).
AMD’s equivalent is called AMD Secure Technology.
Thank you for the info on this, will be using it going forward.
Not sure if you did this on purpose, or if something else did it as part of editing, but your bulleted steps included an en dash (–) instead of two short dashes (–).
Have had issues in the past with that, generally with WYSIWYG type editors combining your – into either – or —.
Donating more coral reef starter kits to the world. What a country!
Hell, it’s not easy to shoot down non-stealth aircraft
The pilot evaded all six missiles while not being able to deploy any chaff/flare countermeasures.