I posit that an uncorruptible person would never allow themselves to become a Dictator.
An uncorruptible individual would possess other traits that would humble them enough to not believe that they are above all others.
A Dictator believes that they themselves have the only right to rule.
tRy tHinkING foR yoUrself iNsTEad of JUst trYInG To fiT iN.
We’re not allowed to have our own opinions?
How very Dictator of you.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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Kenji Lopez-Alt
They prefer back and forth motion, shaking if you will, over a circular motion like stirring. Hence they don’t spin webs. They prefer them shaken.
Probably a wall outlet. Pretty sure those can kill you.
My first thought is they are running low on food.
My guess is probably due to over fishing and die off due to climate change. They probably don’t understand the climate part but they can see ships take all their food.
Hence they are starting to attack the things that take their food. This is 100% my opinion.
Trump, Desantis, Zuckerberg, Facebook, Bezos, Kanye, Kardashian plus a thousand more.
Trump, Desantis, Zuckerberg, Facebook, Bezos, Kanye, Kardashian plus a thousand more.
Google is no longer a search engine.
It’s a storefront.