The code is available as git, you just don’t have access to src.rpm.
The code is available as git, you just don’t have access to src.rpm.
It does the update here, on Fedora
It does background updates for flatpak. For system, just move to Silverblue.
Silverblue here with automatic updates enabled, I do not care anymore, it just works.
It’s FUD, redhat is a major contributor paying developers. It’s a sad news but it’s crazy to say redhat just profits free contributors.
RHEL code is available with git. Stop this FUD.
Why using Linux kernel then, install GNU/Hurd…
Main reason I stopped using it ten years ago.
So I guess you are a desktop developer, what is your project?
At work, many Linux user, they may know gitlab but not GNOME one.
Telemetry is important for desktop developers, you can negate it but it’s a fact. Most users do not know what is GitLab
systemctl start apache2 mysql haproxy
That is the reason.
Just try to implement user session management on a non systemd distro…
Systemd is way better than others init system. I’m using Alpine Linux on my phone and I really wait for a Fedora/Arch like PMOS project (it’s on the way)
We use Puppet to manage Linux and Windows servers + Linux, Mac and Windows client (drives, registry/defaults/dconf, …). A package manager can’t handle this properly ;)