The bill also contained provisions to cut funding for the IRS so rich tax cheats could get away with it. Everyone knew the bill would fail. It was theater on the part of the House Republicans, who passed the bill to the Dem controlled Senate.
I am kind, and try to do no harm. I bicycle daily, and tinker on all kinds of projects. INFP
The bill also contained provisions to cut funding for the IRS so rich tax cheats could get away with it. Everyone knew the bill would fail. It was theater on the part of the House Republicans, who passed the bill to the Dem controlled Senate.
Those stories regarding killing babies have been shown conclusively to be false, and the journalists responsible have publicly retracted the statements and apologized for the disinformation.
This explanation sounds too flimsy to believe. Seems more like a cover story after the fact for the insane bombing of hospitals and a caravan of ambulances within a clear pattern of overall genocide.
I am wondering to what extent Hamas represents the Palestinians.
No good guys here. Hamas doesn’t seem to serve the Palestinians, they serve their own Jihadist agenda. Isreal remains a fascist apartheid regime which has been systematically killing all Palestinians in a genocide for decades.
I’m already using Linux alot, and Windows 10 sometimes. I would drop Windows entirely if it were subscription model.
Great article. Well worth reading.
I get out my popcorn, and hope McCarthy will push existing charges against Gaetz to have him dismissed from office.
I saw today that they have found that over 80% of the microplastics in the ocean are from automobile tires.
ChromeOS is a totally locked down distro of Linux. I prefer Debian Linux with an XFCE desktop thank you.
From the ORIGINAL article, before the 9/26 edit: “Tritium was not detected in the latest sample of two olive flounders caught Sunday, the Fisheries Agency said on its website.” Here is a link to the pre-edit article saying 2 fish: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2023/09/c798a431682e-no-tritium-found-in-fish-1-month-after-fukushima-water-release.html
“Cisco said the threat actors are compromising the devices after acquiring administrative credentials and that there’s no indication they are exploiting vulnerabilities. Cisco also said that the hacker’s ability to install malicious firmware exists only for older company products. Newer ones are equipped with secure boot capabilities that prevent them from running unauthorized firmware.”
Sample size is critical to get a realistic result of the tritium toxicity. In this case, they sampled only 64 fish! That would not yield a statistically significant result!
I can’t believe that people still idolize this rapist and sex trafficker.
The article compares Photography, (which despite being “created” by nature is copyrightable), to AI art. The difference between AI art and photography is that AI art is derivative of other artists and generalized into a Model. Nature is not derivative of other photography. Derivative work has special exemptions in copyright law which prevents it from being subject to copyright.
I wonder how much of this is caused by Ukrainian strikes to refineries, storage tanks, and pipelines? (Not to mention diversion of Russian fuel to their war vehicles)
Sure. Seems like a fine way to prepare beans.
It is against the law in the US for a company to refuse collective bargaining with a union. NLRB will be involved.
Chrome, and it’s relatives like Edge, are no longer an option, so I use Firefox.
Great news!