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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • DAE feel like they woke up one day recently and “AI” suddenly has the answer to EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM EVER? Yet, nothing is getting noticeably better?

    “AI” doesn’t have to work a dead end job to feed its family, or turn to alcohol because it’s lonely and scared of being forgotten. It’s training data is a curated version of the human experience based on the Internet!

    It’s playing human instead of being human and ALL of its solutions will assume that’s “normal.”

    Imagine a five star general googling “should I attack this country?” That’s silly right? Well that’s what’s happening. It’s just being wrapped in a way that makes it look novel.

    These are algorithms designed to mimic humans. When faced with any actual controversy they must be persuaded to answer in an “acceptable” and predetermined manner.

    The golden rule.

  • Ah yes, the “local taxi lobby.” Uber helped show a lot of us what a fucking joke that is, not just in Ottawa.

    Innovation, choice, quality and freedom are the choice spices for capitalism soup. These shit-cook-legislators kept sprinkling in taint like protectionism, cronyism, extortion and corruption thinking nobody would notice. Well guess what? Now it’s just taint soup.

    Why does it matter who’s serving you taint soup? The problem is there’s no other soup and they keep telling you it’s fine.

  • This will sound like I am not supporting workers, but hear me out. The intention of this law has nothing to do with taking away breaks. There’s this picture being painted of “state and evil construction companies” vs “workers and municipalities.” There’s actually two different fights here: workers vs evil construction companies and, the state vs municipalities. Focusing on the first one is important outside of how the state and city are bickering.

    If you know your construction company will take away your 10 min / 4 hr water break because the city can no longer enforce that, that’s NOT the state’s fault because they’re taking a common sense approach to consolidating laws and eliminating bureaucracy. That is an evil fucking construction company.

    You want to blame a lawmaker because they assumed no company would be evil enough to do that, fine, but think about that, and the entire scope of this bill, when deciding who to protest against.

    EDIT: Sorry to come off looking like a republican shill. That was honestly not my intention. I’ll try harder next time. ESH except the workers trying to stay hydrated!

  • Vendor lock-in is 100 times worse today than it was 20 years ago. It’s vile, insidious and borderline cruel. Microsoft doesn’t want to work with anyone, they never have and they never will.

    Any feelings of openness and cooperation you get from them is engineered, from the ground up, to ensure that they are in a position of control over you.

    Their crack security team is not the result of some spontaneous and sudden desire to protect their customers. It’s a consequence of having to constantly triage the financial impacts of a never-ending stream of critical vulnerabilities.

    Labelling this proprietary shit “ecosystems” is insulting to ecosystems. They mere notion that you should be using Microsoft software to monitor, secure and protect your Microsoft software is downright ridiculous.

    Microsoft is not the only, and maybe not even the worst, in a long list of hand-wringing, life-sucking, progress-hindering companies who people will willingly defend because these companies have forced their way into becoming a part of our identities.