Imagine an unfrozen '97 James Bond played by Pierce Brosnin.
Imagine an unfrozen '97 James Bond played by Pierce Brosnin.
And have them follow to new number after number because they are one of the 100s of people who have OP’s number legitimately? Why disrupt your whole life for this asshole. Better to get them caught and be done with it.
If you have been vaccinated, then the current strains are about as deadly as the flu. We still need to keep ready for new strains and for sudden surges that can quickly overwhelm a single location’s health care capacity. This is true of influenza as well, a new strain hitting a small contained community can cause issues.
Projects will either be done next month or take at least a year to complete. Also, if you ask my team to calculate how long a project will take, and then ignore the estimate, the project will take infinite time because you are an insufferable moron.
No, there is a push to ignore learning problems entirely unless they are bad enough to qualify for a diagnoses that merits additional funding. If you don’t pass the threshold for a qualifying diagnosis, they would rather not provide services at all.
Conventionally attractive girls have their scholarly struggles ignored because it is assumed they are pretty enough to get along. They are generally treated well enough that they don’t become a behavioral problem. They are out there, suffering their poor reading and math skills in silence because there’s no push to identify them.
You mean like the residential mental hospital system in the US used to do before Regan destroyed it?
It had problems, like any institution, but overall it was providing EXACTLY what you are suggesting.
I use it to outline and layout big documents and reports. I give it a list of tasks I did and it writes the long-form text in the approved style. I use it anytime I need to translate my thoughts or process into corporate jargon. And occasionally my bosses ask me for a report on something totally unrelated to what we are doing and I’ll ask GPT to do the first pass on the topic and then come I’ll back and re-write it iteratively as I figure out what part of the topic the boss really cares about.
Bullshit. Our best recourse as parents is to talk to our children every day to ensure their life has people who will listen and understand them as a constant presence, instead of random strangers on the Internet. Just exposure to this shit isn’t the toxic part. It’s the constant exposure without context and support of caring adults to help kids contextualize the information. Just like sex, alcohol, and every other complex “adult” thing.
This would not be effective for student loan debt because it’s still non-dischargable, unlike consumer debt.
The lawsuit was about the fact the school knew for months about the problem and did nothing to address it. If they plausibly couldn’t know, it wouldn’t have been their fault but this was reported to the admin repeatedly and they did nothing.
There’s always churn and turnover, I’ve been part of communities that lost up to 3 of the top 5 sites for something etc. and the community bounces back in a couple of months. Streaming sites aren’t horrifically difficult to set up so they will often reappear shortly with similar interface.
I was gonna say this was some high-quality bullshit but after this year I just assume RFK Jr. was involved somehow.
What you’re describing is called a citation or reference tree and they are used to visualize complex set of references. Web of Science has a nice one, Scopus also has a tree view, I believe. Google Scholar has the information to make one, but doesn’t.
How do you get home internet service without a subscription? I’m down to try it.
Dude needed to get his wildlife handler paperwork or shut the fuck up. He claimed he was getting it repeatedly and there’s evidence he did fuck all.
He got his animals killed by failing to adhere to the basic laws he already knew about. It wasn’t a surprise.
As someone on the other side of this in just one private company of thousands:
I put out 2-3 job ads a month. Of those 1 will get past interviews to a negotiation phase, one will get stuck with a hiring manager who only wants to interview the perfect candidate, and one will be pulled for budget reasons and held to try again next month because the candidate for the first job asked for a little bit more money. We hire about half of the people who make it to negotiations.
My feeling is it’s that no one has any money to spend. Every company I can think of is desperately waiting to get paid so they can pay their own bills. Most contracts with the government were horribly delayed by the shutdowns last year and it’s been knock-on effects ever since.
It’s called an Apricot Poodle, once in a great while I hear them called butterscotch poodles too.
Also, that’s a standard normal size poodle. They were water hunting dogs. It’s the little ones that are bred to be tiny that are weird.
I’m upset about this but I’m way more upset to be finding out about it from Lemmy instead of from my school district or PowerSchool directly. My Pennsylvnaia school district hasn’t said anything about this.