• 2 Posts
Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2025

  • Yup. “But we’re not there yet”, so they say. “Too soon to act rashly”.

    'First they started mass deportations, but it wasn’t a corrupt system yet, so we did not act.

    Then they started refusing people who were critical of them, but it wasn’t a corrupt system yet, so we did not act.

    Then they started blatantly taking money from the poor and give it to the rich, but it wasn’t a corrupt system yet, so we did not act.

    Finally they fully took over the nation, but by then all the people who would have acted were already gone and dealt with.’

    Not all, but the gist of it. Thankfully some bubbles of resistance are starting to form in the US, but the main people who were elected to uphold the law and fight this democraticly are already bribed or blackmailed, so it’s in great part up to the people, and whatever stance the army ends up taking when they are forced to choose between loyalty to the constitution, or an individual.

  • This should be standard, and very good on France for doing it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    And I say this as someone who lives on a highly seismic region, where I used to see more awareness years ago. Pretty sure if nowadays we had a major earthquake or volcanic eruption most people would just panic, cause chaos and not have anything prepared for such an event. That’s the unnecessarily scary part.

    We should always acknowledge the uncomfortable possibilities, not stick our heads in the sand and hope trouble never comes knocking at the door.

  • That’s if this article is actually corroborated by truth and not subject to bias based on “allegations”, and to me I often question Politico’s thirst for clickbait titles. If so, yeah, Poland should be held accountable like anybody else, but until then I don’t blame them for not wanting to accept people from Belarus, a nation heavily influenced by Russia. Especially in current times.

    Has someone listened too much to actual regime propaganda? Because I remain critical of any sources telling me what to think.

    Do bother replying if you must for the sake of your pride, but know that I don’t engage in petty arguments or pissing contests.

  • Do try. The more you try to split us apart the more we unite against common foes.

    We Europeans might bicker a lot and not see eye to eye on some things, but our lands still bear the scars of mankind’s worst moments. We know better and see right past the vain attempts at manipulation.

    And yeah, we have some dumbass extreme-right parties in many countries (including mine) being heavily funded and/or encouraged by Russia and the US, just like we saw with Germany’s AfD. But we’re already taking measures against that sort of influence, thankfully.