And their refusal to listen to what the fans actually want.
And frivolous patent lawsuits on mechanics that they don’t use themselves. Or patents they made after said prior art came out.
And sending their lawyers after streamers and content creators.
And killing fan games that improve on their failures.
And artificial digital scarcity.
Their arrogance will be their downfall.
That has been my experience recently. I had the same mindset as you until a critical piece of software I use shat the bed on Arch (LiveCaptions) that affected my being able to watch training videos for work.
Because it was time critical and I didn’t feel like possibly breaking other things for one package, I grabbed the flatpak. It came with its own nvidia driver package (mine was newer) and it worked out of the box without having to mess with anything and that was enough to change my hardline view on that.
Now it’s just another tool to use in an emergency when important things randomly break.