What a nice kitty in a box but you should blur the name and the address
Those preventing history to be taught intend to repeat it. But what do I know, I’m just a meerkat.
What a nice kitty in a box but you should blur the name and the address
Water is wet
General strike in the US sounds more like a civil war
If only. The truth is they just want to assert their dominance over the other gender. By barring all women from doing anything and being given anything, they reduce them to useless objects that serve only as sex slaves and to raise children.
They don’t get essential healthcare? Who cares? The Taliban don’t expect to have only one wife… at the same time.
Except for online games, pretty much all the other games work without any tinkering for me since at least a year
I’m so sorry
Article III, Section 3. The definition states:
“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Calling for civil war and aiding an authoritarian country such as Russia, which is well known for being a long-time enemy and wants nothing more than the fall and decadence of the US, raises the question: if what Trump is doing is not treason, according to the Constitution, then I don’t know what is.
That’s all cool and nice, but let’s see what happens to the prices when Taiwan gets invaded.
Damn I wasn’t ready for this, nice one
We don’t discriminate, we hate everyone /s
The Amazon rainforest is often considered the lungs of the planet. It represents only a small part, the lungs are mainly our oceans.
Superb view. Reminds me of the Wilson bridge in Tours.
Where is that one ?
In France 5 weeks PTO is the minimum. But depending on where you and with who you work, taking a leave can be seen very differently.
You can also have more than 5 weeks but it hides overtime work behind that needs to be accounted else the company can be sued for it. So they sell you a nice job with lots of PTO but in fact they don’t appreciate that you may enjoy what they owe you.
There are protests that are being severely repressed against Netanyahu’s government. Don’t generalize an entire people; it’s the same propaganda as saying that all Gazans are terrorists.
We need more meat to the grind machine
Is a post really a shitpost when it spits the truth?