It did? Sad to see even fairphone did it
It did? Sad to see even fairphone did it
No, not by deafult (some windows viruses are compatible with wine)
I remember there being a script for fedora, that apperently workes since it made me realize my PC only has one GPU (no GPU)
I “get” most of them but why TF is Glovo a part of it, who is addictes to ordering food?
3 years and counting 😎
An old thinkpad (or new). Looking for laptops made with linux (Tuxedo, system76). Or maybe a framework. As far as I know any laptop with a good screen, RAM, and storage. And at least for me a lackibg I/O (ethernet, headphone jack, mutliple USBs) is a dealbreaker
At least for me Jerboa works as long as I use the github version
i prefer cash, gives you anonimity and an easier overwiev of your spending
Endevour OS, with Hyprland WM
Am I the only one who loves the new cap design?