Just like Android loses features on every major version, and Maps is a skeleton of its former self.
In a company where nobody is incentivised to maintain anything, cutting features is the easier option.
Just like Android loses features on every major version, and Maps is a skeleton of its former self.
In a company where nobody is incentivised to maintain anything, cutting features is the easier option.
If you’re on a steep hill, yes sometimes you need to use the handbrake to get moving. This had to be demonstrated when I got my licence, but to be fair some manual vehicles now have automatic hill start. Still a good technique to learn because it doesn’t always activate.
It was pretty good before all that happened. I’ve moved on now though, because it wasn’t going to improve and the culture was generally going in the wrong direction.
That bloody confirmation bias.
I was a model employee for many years. Every review was, “you’re one of our brightest, keep doing what you’re doing”. Then I requested some accommodations for my chronic migraines, and they put me under a microscope. Suddenly I was still getting the most complex work because I was the only person they trusted to do it, but now it was an issue that I didn’t churn through change requests as fast as other employees who only do simple bug fixes.
When I got diagnosed with ADHD I thought it would give me some breathing room if I told them. That just made it worse. Now I had to be on a management plan. Now every review was laser focused in churn rate, and completely ignored all my above-and-beyond contributions.
I think their long term plan was to either make me give up accommodations or leave, because they didn’t want anyone else thinking they could get “special treatment”.
AuDHD here, and I think you’re spot on, but I wouldn’t discount that union issue mentioned also being a factor. If they’re doing anything wrong then they definitely won’t give an honest answer and being put in that position will frustrate them even more (even though it’s possibly their own fault).
I’ve lost count of how many times I thought I was doing the right thing by seeking clarification so I can properly adjust for some bending of the rules (not necessarily opposing anything) but got blowback because I acknowledged the thing everyone else was conveniently ignoring.
When progressivism moves toward conservatism, conservatism moves toward regressivism.
See “space invasion” on the roadmap
I missed that whole meme, but back then my fiancée was working at a firm that was representing someone trying to assert IP rights on the dance. It didn’t make much sense to me why an Australian firm would be involved.
Reading up the history now to see how it started, I’m just more confused. I guess the Aussie channel that kicked off the meme wanted credit for making it big, even though they copied Filthy Frank?
It didn’t even occur to me that Deadloch is mostly about women, even though that shouldn’t be surprising, given who made it.
I had a similar revelation after I played through Forspoken. I assumed it would be a target for the anti-woke brigade since the protagonist is a black woman, but it was only after finishing it clicked that every character of consequence is a woman (with one exception I won’t mention for spoiler reasons).
If the story keeps you invested, genders are pretty irrelevant. I think genre expectations can shift if we don’t draw attention to them.
Purescript targeting the Erlang VM
Have you tried Gleam?
It doesn’t seem to make sense, but I gave pCloud a chance years ago, and I’ve been using the lifetime plan ever since. I feel like I got my money’s worth, so not too worried if I eventually have to migrate elsewhere.
As an Australian, I have no idea how my country would respond to this officially. The US alliance is basically our entire defence strategy, and we have fostered that by supporting the US in every conflict they’re involved in. On the other hand, we could never go against another Commonwealth nation. The cultural weight is too great.
Perhaps the best we could offer is assurance that any Canadian visitors (refugees) to Australia can probably overstay your visas for as long as necessary. For some reason we only care when immigrants arrive by boat. Just follow all the Aussies when they start leaving your ski fields.
Or Bluefin, depending on desktop preference. I’ve been using both and can recommend either.
I think they want real users because they want to sell their data for LLM training, but that might mean purging accounts that are “too political” to be of use.
It’s more common than I was aware for software mascots to have distinct names from their respective products.
I kind of like “Ian”. Seems suitably humble for a diminutive little rodent.
Another option might be from the band’s own mascot, Snaggletooth.
China will absolutely jump on this.
It’s happened before.
Yes but the word for books comes from bisexuality, because reading is gay.
The trick is for those other AIs to reserve a few bucks, so they can repeat the process but this time cash out early. Keep repeating until everybody wins.
Just ask the AI how to turn $1 into $100M with high frequency trading!
Stopping timers has always been like that for me.
Through trial and error I found the most successful command is “ok google shut the fuck up”.