Is that any worse than people getting their world view from a talking head on 24 news, five second video clips on their phone, or a self curated selection of rage bait propaganda online? The mental decline of humanity is perpetual and overstated.
Is that any worse than people getting their world view from a talking head on 24 news, five second video clips on their phone, or a self curated selection of rage bait propaganda online? The mental decline of humanity is perpetual and overstated.
It sounds like you are talking about use in education then, which is a different issue altogether.
You can and should set your AI to push back against poor reasoning and unsupported claims. They arnt very smart, but they will try.
An AI can produce content that is higher quality than the prompts they are given, particularly for formulaic tasks. I do agree that it would be nice if everyone were more educated, but a large portion of the population will never get there. If simply denying them AI was going to result in a blossoming of self education it would have already happened by now.
I dont really think its fair to expect the barely literate to have writing endeavours. They are just trying to communicate without embarrassing themselves.
I’m not really sure what you mean. They are not perfect, and in fact it will usually reduce the quality of output for a skilled writer, but half of the adults in the US cant read and write at a sixth grade level, and LLMs are greatly improving their ability to solidify and convey their thoughts in a more understandable way.
People bad at math use calculators. People with bad handwriting prefer to type. Weak people use levers. Slow people rely more on wheels. Its like were a bunch of tool using primates or something.
Yes, but they both only want these things as means to an end. In the long run they both have dreams of becoming imperial super powers. They can cooperate for now, but they both know its an alliance of convenience.
It doesnt have to be useful to you and it does not have to replace every job, it just has to show revenue and rapid growth. There are lots and lots of tasks out there were management doesnt really care if its perfect as long as its cheap and it gets done. AI will automate that stuff first, but people in rich countries probably wont notice because that sort of work was outsourced years ago. In the meantime, its all going to be about efficiency, having fewer people do the same work with AI assistance.
Thats the investor play here. They know most of the hyped companies will end up like AOL or pets.com, but you’ll also have a Google and an Amazon thrown in there which will pay for it all eventually.
I dont think its even the money with these guys. They want worship and adulation, and MAGA is primed to do it. All the worst megalomaniacs are drawn to them like moths to a flame.
I doubt he ever knew that.
Trump is generating an enormous level of security risk globally, which encourages investment money flow to the country with the biggest military. Ironically, that happens to be the US.
No, they have been discussing it. They wont make any announcement until after German elections.
Im pretty sure most of us already have to work our whole lives or starve.
It will. So has just about every other major technical development ever. Eventually those lost jobs should be replaced by even more jobs made possible by the new technology, but in the meantime it will suck.
Thats how you know its not just a gimmick. How many jobs did blockchain replace? Just about zero. How many jobs did computers or the Internet or the mechanical loom or the freaking steam engine replace? Tons.
You arent wrong. Obamas great sin wasnt the tan suit, it was playing defense against Russia. It doest matter how strong you are or how weak your enemy is, if they only need to land one lucky shot to win you cant let them shoot indefinately without firing back. Then Biden made the same mistake…and here we are.
Everyone is calm because any analyst worth the name should have seen this coming since November, and its far too late to stop at this point.
I dont know why Europe didnt start rearming eight years ago, but now they are going to suffer for that oversight.
They were actually really vague about the details. The paper itself says they used GPT-4o for ChatGPT, but apparently they didnt even note what versions of the other models were used.
That would be great, but I just don’t see it happening. The way things are going well be lucky to have a Department of Education in a few years, and public schools might be following right behind. Even if everything turns around tomorrow, all the resources in the world wont get everyone to the level you are aiming at. There are people out there who do not see any value in literacy and there are people who don’t have the brain power. You could assign full time private tutors to follow them around and try to teach them things for their whole lives and you’d barely get anywhere. That’s just something well have to live with. There’s never been a society where everyone was intellectually active, its always been a more or less influential minority. If you want to improve society the best approach making the intellectual voice more influential, not trying to educate the gleefully ignorant.