This. All this means is that they trained all of the input commands and documentation in the model.
This. All this means is that they trained all of the input commands and documentation in the model.
I miss the old version of the game.
When it was in dev it had randomly generated animals on the planets. Made each planet more interesting and unique. For an unknown reason it was changed just before the official launch to have 3-4 mobs per planet type.
Sure we can probably reverse the changes to the climate.
Thats not going to bring back the bees and bugs, birds, bats and frogs lost to Glysophosate pesticides.
Its not going to restore the millions of square kilometers of dead pine forest in BC thanks to warmer winters screwing up the pine beetle ecosystem.
Likewise, the billions of dead snow crabs are gone. They’re not coming back, as are all of the dead seabirds and wildlife that needed them.
Even if we find a magic cure to the climate, the ecosystem we need is actively dying, and its a gamble if we can fix the climate and fix that before we are all fucked.
Steam, for all of the good it did still normalized digital distribution of games. Its normal now that we dont own the games we play they exist on corporate servers, and can be rescinded at the drop of a corporate whim.
Epic exists as an alternative to Steam in the same way that Russia is the world power opposing the US.
Yes, it might also already be too late to revert the damage done. So the morons are going to go out as rich as possible
More that Greenland is a huge track of land that will likely be free of ice in the next decade, and is entirely untapped for minerals as well as oil and gas.
You can dislike them and Tencent because they had to be investigated, were caught breaking the law, but suffer no penalties at all for breaking the law.
It would be the same as a guy with back pain killing an insurance CEO, admitting it when caught, give the police the murder weapon, then being allowed to go on their way.
They would lose, just like last time. Underestimate Quebec at your own peril.
Microsoft has been openly against xbox exclusives since at least 2018. They used to brag about it at PAX back then that they were stopping xbox exclusives and that everything was at least going to be PC+Xbox release.
Okay that bit of trolling from the old r/drama team was fun for a while, but I think that Blackrock CEOs thought it was literal.
Foldables solve two problems, one consumer and one business.
Consumer problem: phones are unweildly and large. Folding allows optimal screen space in addition to a return to portability.
Business Problem: how to make people upgrade their phone every year when we can make phones that last 5-10 years+ easily? Make a folding phone that will absolutely break within a year or two tops. It is not a negative pattern like pre-1980s spark plugs or modern LED light bulbs that should never burn out but do; so governments have no reason or legal avenue to pursue.
You didnt mention Globe and Mail, which is not quoting him.
Yup. Absolutely.
The context in which he did those actions is critical though.
He’s quoting the New York Times there.
Reliable news channel:
Text of his actual speech: Mentioned that their budget cut 4.1 Trillion Won° from things like Disaster Prep and Child Care.
°Google says that is ~3 billion USD, but this Globe and Mail(note: pro-business extremists) says 4 billion.
Because its more complicated than him just being a bad guy.
He did a stupid, very bad move, but it was because the CCP-infected, anti-Japan opposition passed a budget that forced his hand, it would have apparently cut all government funding by a ridiculous degree.
But you arent doing that.
You cannot do that fairly without pointing out, for example, the brutal and vicious racism where the British compared the Irish and the Scottish to Apes and to be different, inferior races.
You need to go further back than just 1500.
Western European thoughts on this were heavily influenced by the Ottoman and Byzantine empires.
Which were in turn based on the Roman empire.
Which were in turn based on the Classical Greeks, particularly those of Athens.
To exclusively blame western Europeans for this, when they were nearly wiped out by the Roman empire colonialism, is very short sighted.
It can reproduce an api. Can’t solve actual problems. LLMs are completely incapable of innovation.