They refused to send a model and asked him not to review until the new software was out. So they knew. He bought one anyway.
They refused to send a model and asked him not to review until the new software was out. So they knew. He bought one anyway.
But man would a Team Fortress 3 be welcomed. Like running a franchise into the ground, the lack of levity in games nowadays is sorely lacking.
Don’t encourage the behaviour. As the saying goes… Give a man a fish and you’ve fed him for a day… Teach a man to fish and you’ve fed him for life.
This a huge step back for transparency with Meta (shocker). Access to this data is important for a variety of reasons, and using the recent EU laws as an excuse is deplorable (again, shocker from Meta).
It’s clear the data companies were left alone for too long to rule the schoolyard. It’s going to take some time to treat them and others what decorum looks like without throwing an absolute hissy fit.
Here’s hoping the EU, which seems to be the only teacher on the playground willing to discipline anyone, will set them straight.
Global owns the airing rights to SNL in Canada.
I think you may be confused as to who you’re responding to. I’m reading some outrage in your response that is directed towards others and their statements, nothing that I’ve written or believe.
There’s no argument to be made. A (good) translator into another language with take into account the intent of the original language and translate it into a comparative version. That can mean changing stories, or idioms that no longer land in the new language.
I’m not the person who made any claim about reading speeds, and I would disagree wholeheartedly with that baseless statement.
Translation isn’t a 1 to 1 process. Every language has difference, idioms, etc. My understanding is that sign language is no different.
The translator makes choices to convey meaning, as well as the literal sense.
Would you rather watch content in your native language, or subtitled? If you read translated content, it’s fine. But it’s not the same as hearing something performed for you. Might be hard to grasp if your language is largely auditory and written, rather than visual and emotive.
Just because sign language is a visual language, does not mean reading is an equivalent. There is a ton of nuance and feeling that goes into communicating through sign language that is not possible through text alone.
Beyond the communication piece, there is respect of an individual who natively speaks a language, and the importance of keeping the language alive.
deleted by creator
Someone give this writer a raise for not using AI to describe a new algorithm.
Neat technology, but nonsense title. The Stethoscope is rarely used for something as specific as the heartbeat anymore. Listening to various body systems, though? That’s where it finds use.
Are the lungs congested? Confirming what the sinus rhythm is showi?
Computers, for all their advancements are still diagnostic tools that need confirmation. They still give off false positives and miss things.
It’s articles like this that make me glad there are numerous horses in the race.
Autonomous driving is an incredibly complex problem. We have people like Musk who thought they could throw money at the problem and have it solved in a few years, with disastrous results.
We’ve lost Uber, and Cruise is flagging. Both had been touted as examples to follow. Both have had some serious safety problems from moving too quickly and lacking caution.
Behind all of this is Waymo. Plodding along, gathering vast amounts of data and experience and iterating slowly.
I think they, out of all these players, understand the stakes at hand, and the potential profit on the other end. But you have to get it right. It has to be nearly perfect, because people need to trust it, and our emotions are fickle.
If you aren’t up on the acronyms: The Wolf Among Us 2.
For those curious, the game was released March 11, 2022.
Making the server support just over a year and a half of running the servers before pulling the plug. That’s not something I’d be spending 60USD (which is what it is on sale for today) on.
The idea of the product is really great. The cost is prohibitive for all but major corporate customers.
Add in Google’s track record of killing products… just like this… and why would you invest?
Jamboard needs to be a tablet companion app first, and the hardware can follow. If they’re going to keep coming up with these halo products, then they need to support them for the long term. They also need to be willing to bite the bullet and give these away to lock people into Workspace because it’s unique and no one else does it.
Now it’s another reason to not buy in.
I had no idea what SHMUP is… so if you’re like me they are SHoot eM Up games. Either bullet hell or isometric shooters.
That’s not how this works.
You’re free to create stories, video, of your own video game in the universe. If you chose to make that public domain and give it away for free, then good on you.
Others can create freely in this universe with their own expression, which they could charge for.
Much like how there are movies about Cinderella or Red Riding Hood which are under copyright, but the base story itself is in the public domain and free to use.
I really wish Niantic was better at capitalizing on the potential of AR and georgraphical games. Every game they’ve produced has essentially been a reskin, and they’ve gotten increasingly grindy.
Written as a person who put years into Pokemon GO, before dropping it as it really didn’t add anything to my life, nor was it overly fun to “play” anymore.
Google One gives you an itemized look at what is using your storage space. All of the Google Apps are represented, device backups, and individual apps that are using Drive for storage too. I’d presume it would point you in the right direction, without needing to manually download everything and sift through.