You can add yourself for the next crawl via a pull request on GitHub, or simply mail the developer, and he will add you.
Software developer and self-hosting enthusiast
You can add yourself for the next crawl via a pull request on GitHub, or simply mail the developer, and he will add you.
The first statement only tells you when B is true. It says nothing about when it is false. The second statement both tells you when B is true (if A) and when it is not (only if A). Therefore, the two statements cannot be equal.
It’s not only my favorite Zelda game. It’s probably my favorite game for any system.
Or you could consider using Caddy instead:
I do the same, and eventually I started using Obsidian on top, but you can always switch to something else that opens markdown (vim!)
Never used digg. I went directly from Slashdot to Reddit.
The main reason I’ve heard is that chromium is far easier to embed than Gecko. Gecko isn’t something you embed like a library. It’s something you build upon. Detaching Gecko from Firefox UI (or Thunderbird for that matter) is supposedly really hard.
Another +1 for Nigara. Been using it for 1.5 years now. Never going back to regular home screens again.
Hello from another personal instance :)
I backup using a simple rsync script to a Hetzner storage box.
If you know your way around a terminal, it takes less than 10 minutes to install using the Ansible approach.
I remember being hooked the moment Marle disappears for the first time. That was 20 years ago. I’m not sure the game would have the same impact on me today.
Same, but my cards go with my phone
Second the Brother MFC. We’re really happy with ours. Before that we had a HP LaserJet which actually was that bad either. I guess just avoid the cheap inkjet machines.
My work laptop runs Ubuntu, my home PC runs Windows 10. I used Mac OS in my last job. I’m not really picky about it.
Relay for Reddit is also still working. It will go subscription later this month.
Yes, I’m using exactly that.
I love this search engine. I’ve already found several new sites that I never knew I needed in my life.