Educational and non-educational game developer, Halloween home haunter. Interested in roguelikes, procedural generation, tabletop gaming, RPG’s, papercraft, haunted houses, and any cuisine that involves chile peppers. He/him.
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023
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Agreed. Prodigy was a solid Trek show for kids. Loved the title sequence, in particular.
One avenue to give kids age-appropriate sci-fi is to run an RPG for them. Modiphius released a simplified version of their Star Trek Adventures game called Captain’s Log that would be accessible to kids down to middle school with some coaching. It’s designed for solo, but would easily work as a guided adventure for one or more kids.
@jdavidnet @billmason @startrek
Agreed. Prodigy was a solid Trek show for kids. Loved the title sequence, in particular.
One avenue to give kids age-appropriate sci-fi is to run an RPG for them. Modiphius released a simplified version of their Star Trek Adventures game called Captain’s Log that would be accessible to kids down to middle school with some coaching. It’s designed for solo, but would easily work as a guided adventure for one or more kids.