This is why we need a plastic tax. If it was even slightly more expensive to use plastic they would switch back to metal or glass in a heartbeat.
This is why we need a plastic tax. If it was even slightly more expensive to use plastic they would switch back to metal or glass in a heartbeat.
Jesus is chilling with his friends, some call them disciples, but that’s not really fair. They were the only ones who believed in him when times were rough, and he treasures that. They’re having a few beers, a few laughs, enjoying life.
Suddenly a voice calls out though space and time “Jesus, take the wheel” and an eldritch spell summons Jesus to a metal coffin, hurtling down a river made of stone at speeds which shouldn’t even be possible. Jesus can’t even believe what is happening. What the fuck, he screams as he desperately spins the wheel in his hands and flips over into a ditch.
They can be purplish in some growth stages but on the whole they are a deep red, a crimson. Unless my eyes are just broken.
It’s shedding advertisers and losing money so it’s only a matter of time before the people Musk got to invest start making noise. It’s in a downward spiral and there’s no fixing it while Musk is in charge. I think it will survive another few years, but it’s not going to be pretty.
They tried to appease the shareholders rapacious greed by changing their business model to include royalties and other random fees, but that failed so now they’ve laid off 25% of the workforce to free up a lot of cash short term. This is a desperation move and they’re never going to be able to provide the endless growth the shareholders demand. But the shareholders will be appeased for the next few months. So I guess it’s a win?
Unity is probably developing their own video player and they wants devs to pay them for it, not use VLC for free.