Love me some Smut!
Love me some Smut!
Bold of you to assume there was a call at all.
Fuck yeah! Any other Driveshaft fans out there!?
Politics is so team sports, they even think performance enhancing drugs are a bad idea.
Does it trouble you at all that the diagram doesn’t specify where the wall should be?
He’s obviously built himself thousands of little elevators over millenia. What did you guys think he was doing down there? Sleeping?
That’s a real shame. Swiss rolls are non-negotiable.
Gotta say, I’ve always been blown away by how easy it is to connect Logitech stuff to their little multi-device dongles.
Recently started trying out the Flow feature and I’m a lot less blown away, but the dongle thing is plenty enough for me. I give them a thumbs up.
Biblically Accurate Beauty Contest.
The weird part is in the mirror.
And Playboy?
That’s just what Big February wants you to think.
Or hey, just use the old jincter.
If motivated, more holes can be created.
Yes, but you didn’t feel the need to add a note about how you pronounced it just now. And I don’t care if you know how to say it right. Doesn’t matter in text.