I can also recommend Libretube or Clipious for Android
I can also recommend Libretube or Clipious for Android
If that is your mindset, you’re definitely better without root. My phone is rooted for three years now and never had any issue. I never had an app fail with my methods to hide Magisk. I even got GPay and contactless payment working when I still had Google services installed. Without them, it is impossible unfortunately.
What? There is a module for that called SafetyNetFix. I am fully rooted and can usw any App I want.
I know I’ll miss the alert slider from my current OnePlus phone, when I have to replace it in the future. On the other hand, I miss the fingerprint reader in the power button. Its just more reliable.
CPU architecture wise, you can see the difference between cluttered, old x86 and ARM or even RISC-V chips. They just run so much more efficient, as you can tell with your phone lasting a day or two, or apple silicon consuming a fraction for the same performance.
An example for the ancient backend would be the flight pathing system DAL. (Wendover video)
You mean games that arent available in steam at all, vor those which you haven’t bought there? I found the easiest workaround for me was to simply add the games to my steam library and to launch it from there. Then I don’t have to worry about what proton version I should use or whatnot.