Thanks! I feel like this was more intense for me as a kid, but has mild slightly. I never thought to actually look it up. For me, I don’t know if I’d categorize it as a fear. I guess so but in a less… horror sense? I love how weird brains are.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸
Thanks! I feel like this was more intense for me as a kid, but has mild slightly. I never thought to actually look it up. For me, I don’t know if I’d categorize it as a fear. I guess so but in a less… horror sense? I love how weird brains are.
I’ve had a weird sticker phobia since I was a kid. I fucking hate any sticker touching me. Even the threat of one being stuck on me makes me want to initiate fisticuffs. I used to have the same issue with tape but I’ve managed to get over that (as long as the tape leaves me within seconds). It’s weird af.
So yeah, any sticker I get has a 99% chance of either getting tossed or never being stuck to anything lol.
The key is that you like your job. That makes a world of difference if you have adhd. I like my job too, but still struggle pretty regularly. It’s a day-to-day struggle. Some days I’m really focused and motivated, and then others are a wash. If you can get tested and try out meds, it’s worth pursuing. It helps me with social situations too and keeps me on task. I communicate more clearly, and I can complete tasks with less distractions. The only issue I encounter while on them is mood change. I have to be aware of it because it can make me get short with people. Not necessarily in an angry way; it just makes me super fixated on results and getting to the point.
That has to be super rewarding. You always have a player 2!
It’s the increase of noise in our heads. It makes diving into deep, story-rich games harder to do. It’s the reason I had 78 new games played this year alone. I skipped around on tons of stuff in the same way that my scattered brain does with everything going on.
Programmer here. Both my wife and I WFH too. I was diagnosed with adhd back in the 90s and I find it just gets worse the older I get.
I’m in my early 40s and my one weird trick… was to not have kids. Sorry dad but this is the end of the line.
This is why almost every single game I buy now comes from indie devs.
If I see a game with this many yellow flags on the store page, I bail. I do the same when I see it’s an EA game because they can EAt shit.
Also, BF2042 is fucking horrendous. That game killed the series for me.
This thread is funny because it’s filled with a bunch of libs criticizing but bringing nothing of value to the table except vibes, and communists and comrades providing extensive source material to support their arguments, while avoiding low-hanging fruit like ad hominem.
If you’ve ever done any sort of research into democratic socialism, you’d quickly learn that this is the way. Criticism and self-criticism are at the forefront of cadre training and will make you a better person. If you view a person trying to provide you with educational material as your enemy while you spout off vibe-driven nonsense, you’re not getting the picture and are still hindered by your country’s propaganda, as well your own apathy and ignorance. You’re criticizing people that are passionate because they see a chance to have a better world for all working class—you included—while responding with empty words.
Unchain yourself from the criticisms of figures your country has implanted in you over your lifetime, and think in terms of ideas.
Doom: oh thank fuck its not me this time
It gave us a tiny fleeting look into a world where a united working class has power and outnumbers the ruling class.
It sends a message and that message was heard. Rolling Stone and probably other outlets, published an article talking about the collective disdain that the working class has expressed in the wake towards the healthcare industry—a hatred that reaches across aisles. It’s a tiny reminder that the working class outnumber the ruling class. Don’t rule out more things happening. People get inspired.
Couldn’t even wait to lay them off on Friday the 13th next week?
Are people still shocked by this stuff? I just expect them to do whatever they want like they all have been for years.
I’d prefer their pleas as I prepare them for the guillotine.
I’m getting my ass repeatedly handed to me in Stalker 2 but enjoying it. Also continuing to dump hours into Vampire Survivors. Started replaying Road Redemption also so I can get my modern day Road Rash fix.
I just started a new NV game and maybe I can finally say the same. I’ve got like 300+ hours into Fallout 4 and still haven’t completed the main story.
Hey at least it’s Minecraft and not Roblox I guess lol.