I can’t remember but having my hard drive encrypted, I believe there is a single file that messing with it would render the drive not decryptable.
I can’t remember but having my hard drive encrypted, I believe there is a single file that messing with it would render the drive not decryptable.
1.- I will start with the infamous
rm-rf /
So true for me, https://foro.buceoluegoexisto.com It’s really sad. :(
It’s a setting we have in our body. Two or more cups of strong coffee will make my mouse wobbly.
Construction company we made a few foundation pads and the supervisor who was an asshole, came to check the electrical installation conduit, so he pulls his plan and goes to one conduit end that is supposed to go all the way to the other side, so he yells at one of the workers to blow on the other conduit and wants to listen for air coming out on his end.
Guy on the other end blows, nothing happens on this side, the asshole supervisor yells “Blow Harder” so the construction worker obeys and gives a big strong blow on his end. Well nobody saw this coming, someone had urinated in the pipe so all pee comes out and squirts his face in front of everybody.
Since we hated him we were all laughing our souls out of our bodies. :) The supervisor, didn’t say a word and walked away furious.
Inventor for sure used the imperial barbarian measuring system
1.- Make your computer slower and slower every year for no real reason. 2.- Get your files virus infected for not using an antivirus software. 3.- To be fair, get some really cool games.