Let’s have a meeting that lasts hours and leads to utter chaos.
Could you share the source to this please?
The fact that a vast majority will ignore this discussion, is the same reason why most people will not organise towards a cause.
I have little hope in individuals.
I welcome it. I’m harassed for the 1kg excess in my bag. If you’re not charging others more, I’d like not to be treated like that. Give me a discount then for every kilogram I weigh less by.
Mandatory Bill Hicks standup piece on Marketing.
I think most of them are back on Reddit.
Man with science made object to protect a man of all-powerful god.
A $5 Pen drive transfers data faster. Some day, Apple will be able to figure how to do this in a multi hundred dollar phone. Need more MBAs.
I’m not finding enough worthwhile things to do on any smartphone. Can’t be bothered to buy any new phone. Lights and marketing gimmicks just aren’t working.
I check it 2-3 times a day, feel happy. I don’t feel the need to check it 30 times a day. I’m happy.
People need to pay extra for their bodily excess weight. I’m done being harassed to pay for a kg more in my baggage.
I don’t even want to buy a new phone. It’s been more than four years. What great productive work are most people doing on them anyway?
Limewire, Kazaa, Audiogalaxy and eDonkey! The first two were so risky!
This one rages!
KeePassXC / KeePassDX with Syncthing!
I run FreshRSS too and I use Readrops as my client on Android. I prefer reading on the laptop or PC though.
Nice mind gymnastics you got going there.