Peaches come from a cat
They were put there as a mat
Peaches come from a cat
They were put there as a mat
Regular European woman
Many kids would like to be a teacher on Monday, an astronaut on Tuesday, a veterinarian on Wednesday, …
But I guess here the demographic is a little older than my example so it might not apply
It’s surprising that for someone as terminal oriented as you seem, your editor of choice is viscose and not vim or emacs
If you want cheap qualified labor in the US you’re gonna have to put more white people in prison
I’m always amazed at how much you pay for internet in the US and Canada. Here in France, fiber vs copper is usually the same price maybe a 5-10 euros/month difference depending on the ISP
How does that solve the bandwidth issue?
Hmmm no free software can be closed source. Neither is the subset of the other but they intersect
I don’t get what you mean, Mullvad supports port forwarding
100% solar energy? They shutdown the servers at night?
The site says 100% green but hosted in Germany. I’d be curious to know how this is possible
I wanted my own domain and a good integration with android but I didn’t want to give my data to microsoft so I went with
Had no issues so far for the last 2-3 years.
It’s cheaper than protonmail and you’re not locked to a specific application since Exchange is well supported.
Sorry but even with all that said, you’ll never lure me to the evil side. I’m sticking with Firefox until it dies an atrocious death
From your experience I don’t see red flags for me so I’ll probably try for my next reinstall. Thanks for your honest opinion
Damn I’m contemplating going to FreeBSD. What made you go the other way? What do you miss from FreeBSD?
Gentoo is the best distro when you want to get deeper understanding. If I had to give advice on the path of getting to know deeper the Linux environment I’d say: Debian or Fedora -> Arch -> Gentoo -> lfs
If I had time I’d try NixOS and FreeBSD as a main workstation.
Dont know why you are getting downvoted, I love kurzgesagt and I think that some statements and ideas are not just pure science and facts. They often give their opinion on the matter.
And it’s fine, they have the right to express their opinion, whether I agree with it or not
Oh so that’s what happened to Blinkin in Robin Hood Men In Tights