This is the exact reason I don’t fuck with fast food anymore. Fuck a $13 fast food meal, I expect to pay one digit of dollars for a large combo, with tax, or I expect to be personally edged by the franchise owner while I eat my meal.
This is the exact reason I don’t fuck with fast food anymore. Fuck a $13 fast food meal, I expect to pay one digit of dollars for a large combo, with tax, or I expect to be personally edged by the franchise owner while I eat my meal.
I think you’re talking past me a little. I’m saying the state of Russia now isn’t materially different from Cuba, Laos, North Korea et al
Grim Dawn makes Diablo look like a joke, I can’t recommend it highly enough.
It’s a failed state where the tinpot dictator who runs it is also a gangster who runs rackets out of all national industries. That’s the only kind of state that Communism has ever produced, so you might as well call it that.
“Well why don’t you order some of that Cantina chicken crap? Look, we’re not taking it off the menu. A Group VP’s mistress came up with it. Do you have any idea how much money we have tied up in this?! I have a gun.”
It began with Generations, really. The point that we don’t need more sloppy, shitty Star Trek content still stands.
You need to take your schizophrenia meds. Also, wrong community.
For anyone curious, there isn’t a word about dumping the previous voice actress.
A collective gets a singular noun.
You can buy display panels, and Sceptre TVs still have non-smart options.
Hello madam,
My name is Bobson Dugnutt and I am a third-party contractor with Microsoft Support. I will be assiduous to help with you today.
I’m sorry, this feature is not planned at this time. You don’t need to be able to do that. Bitch ass.
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For example, try buying a television in a retail store that doesn’t have “smart” features at all, just inputs, outputs, and a digital tuner.
Is this intentional misinterpretation for mischief purposes, or is this your best?
“NOOOOOOO you have to pick one of the two teams or you’re a RADICAL CENTRIST!!!”
Man, that angled photo-collage wordmark trend has really overstayed its welcome.
This is true. Allowing Trump to win will still be worse. Both things can be true, and that isn’t radical centrism.
Remember, non-voters: this is what you chose.
That’s just it. Some people really want to believe there’s a way out from endless suffering, and point to religion like we wouldn’t find something else to propagate suffering with. The horrible truth that fedora-tippers shrink from is that religion is an intrinsic aspect of the human condition that will never, ever go away. We even have completely secular cults now. Arguably Scientology isn’t secular because they believe in insane shit like space ghosts (because Scientology is just a rip-off of Mormon space lore) but we do have completely non-spiritual, non-supernatural belief systems that are functionally religions (talk to someone who firmly believes in Bigfoot or that the moon landings were faked and tell me they’re not in a religion). We have medical conspiracy cults like Anti-Vaccine and Chronic Lyme Disease, wellness cults like intermittent fasting (which is literally just anorexia plus sophistry) and semen/fecal retention, and the deliberate degeneration of corporate America into cults—my last job had quarterly meetings that included a chated incantation (of our mission statement) and selected readings from the founder’s book followed by a speech about the lesson we can take away from that reading.
Britain did that, British North America was sitting quietly in the back seat playing Pokemon by that point.
But then how would I scalp new-in-box games???