Less convenient and you lose music discovery. Also not comparable.
Less convenient and you lose music discovery. Also not comparable.
With Spotify going lossless, I don’t see how Tidal’s sound quality can be “better”.
Unless if you’re referring to Spotify’s current sound quality—in which case you’re making a meaningless comparison.
Not lossless, so it’s not comparable.
… nothing, because people on the internet complain about everything. Every time. I mean, this service isn’t even out yet, so there hasn’t even been a chance to evaluate their music discovery algorithm.
I understand and relate with the frustration regarding the whole “more streaming services, higher fees” thing that’s still continuing in the industry, though. I mean, $20 a month for just music?! There are competing services that offer lossless audio at a lower price. But yeah—streamflation sucks!
I think the parent commenter just wants to feel like they’re better than you.
It’s like a dam.
Well, not watching the video would mean not doing due diligence, which would be on-brand for him.
This has the energy of walking away from explosions in slow motion.
THANK YOU! This is why I joined Beehaw.
Never mind it being too expensive to have kids, it’s too expensive to exist. Population aging is just an obvious consequence of that.
The only advice I’ll take from you is your username.