Just FYI, this phrase originates with a literal neonazi.
Just FYI, this phrase originates with a literal neonazi.
There’s a park in my area. Literally every time I have been there, over several years, there is a van in the parking lot. It has a wire mesh bust of Hillary Clinton on top, and is covered with writings about various conspiracy theories about her, and slogans like “Hillary for Jail!”
Possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.
There’s a park in my area. Literally every time I have been there, over several years, there is a van in the parking lot. It has a wire mesh bust of Hillary Clinton on top, and is covered with writings about various conspiracy theories about her, and slogans like “Hillary for Jail!”
Possibly the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.
I really hate that people keep treating these LLMs as if they’re actually thinking. They absolutely are not. All they are, under the hood, is really complicated statistical models. They don’t think about or understand anything, they just calculate what the most likely response to a given input is based on their training data.
That becomes really obvious when you look at where they often fall down: math questions and questions about the actual words they’re using.
They do well on standardized math assessments, but if you change the questions just a little, to something outside their training data (often just different numbers or a slightly different phrasing is enough), they fail spectacularly.
They often can’t answer questions about words at all (how many 'R’s in ‘strawberry’, for instance) because they don’t even have a concept of the word, they just have a token that represents that word, and a list of associations that they use to calculate when to use that word.
LLMs are complex, and the way they’re designed means that the specifics of what associations they make and how they’re weighted and things like that are opaque to us, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know how they work (despite that being a big talking point when they first came out). And I really wish people would stop treating them like something they’re not.
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Starfleet Academy series is also in production.
I fully agree. In this vein, I also think that Romulans and Vulcans should prefer green-tinted lipstick rather than red. In a few episodes in DS9 they actually did this, but most of the time they just default to red and it really doesn’t feel right.
The game is already out, has been for a few months. It’s on Steam, Windows & Mac only.
The game is built on top of Stellaris, with all of the space empire building that entails. It is sort of in the same vein as Civ, but it’s more real time and not turn based, and lets you get more into the small details in some ways than Civ does.
This is true, and ultimately fighting is how Vorik’s Pon Farr is resolved as well. So there could also be a Vulcan fight club for those afflicted.
Vorik and Tuvok both claim the problem can be dealt with through meditation, but both of them also fail to resolve the issue in this way, so we don’t know if that’s actually an effective treatment.
There’s also lots of ways a Vulcan could end up single, not to mention we’ve seen at least two instances of Vulcans rejecting their arranged marriages (T’Pol and T’Pring), so there’s no guarantee any given Vulcan has a mate, despite their customs.
It did work for Tuvok, but not for Vorik, so not a totally effective solution.
The holodeck can work, but seems to be less than 100% effective. It worked for Tuvok, but not for Vorik.
It does seem to be primarily on an arranged marriage system, but there are plenty of exceptions. Pairings that don’t come together for some reason, partners that die either due to age or accident, etc.
Meditation had been shown to be less than effective (Tuvok and Vorik both tried and failed to use meditation to get through their Pon Farrs).
It seems that, in universe, something about Vulcan physiology also prevents medication from being particularly effective as well (also failed for both Tuvok and Vorik).
That’s very strange, I’ve looked at a few recipes and never seen alcohol as an ingredient. It usually is just coffee with some spices, usually including cinnamon.
Their ToS did say that updates would only apply to the current major version and newer of Unity when the updated ToS was released, but they removed that clause without telling anyone about a year ago and are claiming their changes are retroactive, so that can’t even be trusted. At this point, I can’t see any game dev beginning work on a new Unity project ever again without some kind of ironclad guarantee that this would never happen again. My prediction is we’ll see maybe 1 or 2 years of games released on Unity, just from the ones that were already too far into development to start over on something else, and then Unity is done for good.
Yeah, it’s just all the other issues that will cause trouble…
Wasn’t COVID testing supposed to be covered by the federal government at that time?
One possibility I just thought of is the 24th century version of a vacuum tube system, but if that were the case I would expect them to be on key locations all over the ship (engineering, sick bay, the bridge, ready room, etc.) and I don’t think there are any others shown on the ship.
For the phrase, “broken” specifically means “stopped”, and the clock is analog. If the hands don’t turn, then they will be correct twice per day.