You should check out This works for redirecting both communities and posts, although the latter requires to give your log in credentials to the extension.
You should check out This works for redirecting both communities and posts, although the latter requires to give your log in credentials to the extension.
wait re-toots (boosts) on Mastodon are not visible on Firefish?
Not to defend Twitter, but if by “dead” you mean “dying,” well yes, gradually. If you actually meant dead “dead,” not really.
Wow, you actually changed it! I was kind of shocked when I came back to my feed seeing UTC+2 in the title. Thanks! :D
Minor suggestion: write your time zones like UTC+2 and not CEST. I’m pretty sure most people outside Europe don’t know what the time zone CEST is. Yes, you provided a link that helpfully converts the time to the users’ local time zone, but sometimes it’s nicer to be able to know something without having to click into a link.
The “John Smith” in Chinese is 王小明 (pinyin: wang2 xiao3 ming2), the 王 being the family name and 小明 being the given name. The 王 is a very common family name (like Smith), 小, small, is a diminutive prefix often added to nicknames, and 明, bright, is a commonly used character in given name. I should note that this is only used for males and there isn’t really a “Jane Smith” for females.
There is one way OpenAI can be near 100% sure whether a piece of text was written by or with the help of ChatGPT. They could compare the piece of text against every conversation ChatGPT has ever had. (not saying it’s a good idea)
Agreed. Trying to find answers for questions probably already asked on Discord is impossible.
I’m not colorblind and see 74, but I can see how it can be read as 21. The bottom part of 2 is a less saturated orange.
Me too. I often post stuff before going to bed and wake up to dozens of reply the next day
Good afternoon from Asia! (UTC+8)
Well I think if teleporters actually do get invented one day, the law would make the clone legally the same person as the original
I think that Reddit is doing this to show the world that “hey we allow our users to personally insult our CEO. how nice are we!” they knew from the beginning that there will be lots of "fuck spez"es, but they chose to let it happen and not censor it. as long as the text being spammed all over the canvas is not, they will just ignore it.
Why is the trans community listed separately from LGBTQ? Isn’t the T literally for transgender?
I kind of want to try this myself
Taiwan actually. They banned anything other than Mandarin.
banning local languages was also done by my local government around 50ish years ago. on every school. take a wild guess at where I’m from?
(no, I’m not dutch despite being on
this is exactly what I did to my mother
(this sentences sounds so scary out of context)
I also mainly browse on mobile haha. However loading posts from my home instance is often taken care of by the app (client).