If you want to sync your notes between devices, Obsidian Sync is $48 a year. But since it’s all just markdown files anyway, you could just use dropbox to sync them anyway.
If you want to sync your notes between devices, Obsidian Sync is $48 a year. But since it’s all just markdown files anyway, you could just use dropbox to sync them anyway.
I love the histogram system from Zachtronics’ games. I find it much more useful to see my score compared to the proportion of people who got a similar score, than a leaderboard rank that doesn’t mean much.
What! I was going to buy Rollerdrome
I’m talking about Labo
The bigger size of the console itself would make it incompatible anyway
deleted by creator
Hanlon’s razor
That’s probably only referring to games like labo and ring fit
Don’t have a number for it since I have it on itch.io, but I’ve put a lot of time into Celeste. Beating everything twice (including b-sides, c-sides, and farewell) took a while, but I’ve also put a bunch of time into the amazing mods it has, like Strawberry Jam and Glyph.
They’re claiming that they’ll still support it, and this is an “alternative” to Arc browser. But I think I’m just gonna assume that they’re not going to add new features to it anymore. Besides, I just don’t have faith in them anymore after this pivot from out of nowhere that nobody wanted.
Yeah, true for me. Idk, I just like gaming discussion. And my ADHD keeps me from actually playing the games when I want to.
https://connections.swellgarfo.com has the connections from nyt, and even lets you play all the previous ones. Same with https://connectionsplus.io
If that happens, you can just switch to another distro. That’s the point of Linux
Hey, I was born in the early 2000s and Club Penguin was huge when I was a kid! Everyone my age knows about it.
Emulation still exists though. And the fan games are made by and for Nintendo fans. They usually also want to play the new Nintendo games as well, not just the fan games. And those fan games wouldn’t exist without the Nintendo games they’re inspired by. I mean, I guess if you only play old Nintendo games or fan games based on them, Nintendo disappearing could be good. But I would bet that there are many more people who want to play Nintendo’s new games, and will want to play the ones that are released in the future, than people who only want to play old ones/fan games.
Edit: Also
They kill competition with these practices.
So there should instead be 1 less company in the console space? That will increase competition?
I agree that they can fuck off with the patent thing. I’m not trying to defend their actions. Also yeah, if someone buys a pokemon game after not liking the previous one, then cries about it being bad, that’s on them. But not all of them have played one of the bad ones before. Although I guess if you don’t research before you buy, you can’t be too surprised. Also you have to keep in mind that the people complaining about the pokemon games online aren’t the majority of the people buying it. Most people buying them just want a pokemon game and don’t care too much about it’s quality as long as it still has what they like. Although that doesn’t excuse all the bugs and stuff.
But with Nintendo disappearing, how does that benefit anyone? If you don’t like Nintendo games, you can already just not play them. People buying them buy them because they like them. Them disappearing doesn’t help people who do like Nintendo games, and it doesn’t help people who don’t like Nintendo games.
What? Instead of them acting bad and overprotective about their games, you’d rather the games didn’t exist at all? That doesn’t make sense. There are problems with the company, but they still make good games. It’s not like they mistreat their employees or anything (as far as I’m aware).
Question: What happens if they do disappear like you want? Nintendo fans stop getting the games they like… and how does this benefit everyone else?
Also saying someone deserves to be scammed because they are uninformed is weird. Some people just don’t read gaming discourse and reviews, they’re not obligated to. And some people actually like the games despite their flaws, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a better game.
Making your own protocols means vulnerabilities are more likely. Better to use one that’s been tested and audited (unless it’s following something like this EU thing of course)
Yeah a lot of people seem to draw a line between Metroidvanias and classic Zelda games/Zelda-likes. I don’t really know what the distinction is.