In German it’s even funnier if you translate haunted with “besessen” as it means “occupied by bad souls” and “being sit on” at the same time.
In German it’s even funnier if you translate haunted with “besessen” as it means “occupied by bad souls” and “being sit on” at the same time.
The problem with most crypto compared to regular money is that it’s often seen as an investment. However, one of the most important factors for a currency that is used in everyday transactions is stability and predictability. Money is supposed to ease trading goods and services as a universal middleman. It’s not supposed to make someone rich who invested first.
Of course there’s also inflation and deflation with regular money but as soon as that’s getting out of control, it typically leads to serious economic issues.
But just a tiny Matchbox car that you need to spend a small fortune over almost two decades before it’s ready for use.
Depending on the speed of the hotdog car you should get your exhaust checked. ;)
Not for you today. Try again another day with proper shoes!
Somehow a pretty meta level joke if not only the rabbit but the entire international system of bloodtypes is possibly based on a typ0. 😂
In Germany the blood types are A, B, AB and 0 (zero). That’s where my confusion came from:
Hint: You have to read it as “Type O” not 0/Zero/Null. Took me quite long ;)
As per the statement all remaining instanced will go down over time, though not sure how long that will take.
I don’t think being interested in the (ancestors’) race of a co-worker is necessary racist. I worked with people with all kinds of cultural backgrounds and it might be just an interesting topic to talk about. If someone has family in Iran, Senegal or Indonesia that’s definitely more interesting to me than a conversation about weather or last night’s football game.
If you are on Android check out AntennaPod (available in F-Droid). It’s legal and integrates with Apple Podcasts.
Unpopular opinion: I hate Elon Musk and basically never thought I’d consider buying a tesla. But to be fair, I did quite some research and a couple of test drives with various cars and overall the model 3 is the best deal for my requirements. Especicially, it seems to be the most energy efficient car in that size and cost range. You can drive a model 3 with around 15 kWh / 100 km even in winter on the highway where competitors range around 18-22.
Regarding the two buttons for the turn signals: yes I’d probably prefer the old-fashioned approach with a lever but the two buttons are definitely not as bad as claimed in all the articles. I got used to it pretty quickly during the test drive and also in roundabouts it is practicable even thought not the most ideal approach.
Thank you so much for sharing the results. Very interesting to see the outcome after participating in the survey.
Out of interest: do you know how many participants came from Lemmy compared to other platforms?
Questions 11, 12, and 20 we’re all graded incorrectly as the correct answer contradicts the specified source.
Based on the automatic grading I got 12 out of 20. Based on the feedback / comments I got 15 correct.
I’m quite proud that within the human photographies I classified 100% correct but I guess it’ll be impossible for me if the algorithms just improve a tiny little bit.
0% compression. Amazing what AI is capable of nowadays :-D
Becoming mainstream very fast might also go along with regulation and lots of pressure towards the mods and server admins (e.g. hate speech, discrimination, fake news etc.). That might make it very hard as there’s no compensation for the work except of some donations maybe. I think it would be better to grow more natural with a slow but consistent pace to give the infrastructure and people some time to adapt to the bigger crowds.
Personally, I tend to prefer apps on mobile and the web versions of services when working from a PC.
Thanks, I did that now. Didn’t realize so far that the entire instance is just about replicating reddit. So for me that should do the trick.
He spend so much time trying to help you out of your addiction and you’re just disregarding all his efforts as not helpful.
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