They cite pseudo history and the claim that actual historians moderate it is laughable. Guarenteed it is moderated by teenagers with a passing intrest in history
Muerte a EE.UU., Ucrania, la OTAN y la UE
They cite pseudo history and the claim that actual historians moderate it is laughable. Guarenteed it is moderated by teenagers with a passing intrest in history
All those who want to join the US military can go get fucked. I doubt they are smart enough to be able to type anyway
You are a Nazi dumbass so maybe you would be more comfortable on Stormfront?
The only people who could promote “moderate politics” is a conservative nut
Fuck off with this “freedom of association” far right bullshit. It should completely be ignored and it’s promoters should be laughed at
Worst subreddit filled with the worst kind of Reddit user; the self assured know it all who knows absolutely nothing and just makes stuff up
Size, opening, brand, make. They can produce certain sounds and certain feeling when playing
When wasn’t it like that? Nothing being done is new
Because the worst things he did he isn’t even being charged for. Ignoring Covid, supporting the Zionists and murdering Iranians
I’m thinking about purchasing a new clarinet mouthpiece and investigating and trying them out and I don’t know that many other people who care about it as much as I do
Banderite bullshit
The USSR had never worked with Germany beyond that of the rest of the world and worked far less than countries like the UK. To claim otherwise is ridiculous. Finland was allied with the Nazis and was the aggressor agaisnt the USSR. Maybe you could bring that up if Hunka was Finish or from the Baltics. He wasn’t. He was Ukrainian and that was specificed. Any Ukrainian who fought against the USSR during WW2 must have been a Banderite
Ah yes, you have provided no proof in reality. None at all
Zelensky (and you and everyone else) knows what it means to fight agaisnt the USSR in WW2. Everyone knows what that means and it was obvious that he was a Nazi. If you genuinely think he didn’t know, he must be the least reasonable person in the world.
So you are essentially denying war crimes agaisnt Donbas civilians. If you don’t know about them, I advise you to stop speaking on them
Are there pictures of Putin clapping for an SS member?
And are you actually denying Ukraine’s murder of Donbas civilians? If so, go fuck yourself
Working with aggressor and commiting war crimes in Donbas wasn’t justification? All the Nazis (who want to murder Russians and were in Donbas) weren’t justification? Jesus fuck
The children are being taken away from an active fucking war zone Jesus
I didn’t say every single user was completely uneducated on the subject but most are