For about 10,000 Palestinians.
Refugee from Reddit after 11 years. Very happy to be here in the Fediverse and have no interest in going back.
For about 10,000 Palestinians.
You seriously trying to get me choked up first thing in the morning?
Yes and yes. The best part is when they sync up in the ship attack even though they’ve never been on set together before.
Next time Rs are in power they are likely to remove democracy from the equation and we won’t see another period of Democrats in power.
That’s what you get for inviting that idiot.
My biggest problem with all the conspiracies is they don’t seem to account for his very obvious incompetence.
Every time they have made this complaint in the past, it has been a lie.
Yeah, these will be gone the second someone realizes. Probably an error between Amazon and Paramount.
Most people took a paycut even if they got a “raise” so it’s not really a surprise.
No alt-text makes me sad. Can’t be an xkcd without it.
Don’t fuck about with getting a tetanus shot if you think you might have been exposed. It’s not worth this.
Stupid people are always so convinced that they are smarter than everyone else.
The mullet is like a Trojan horse in these crowds.
Apple used to brag about how Macs didn’t get viruses. I used to laugh because it wasn’t that they were that much more secur but because their market share was too small to be a profitable target.
Now they’ve cultivated the perfect target user base. A large collection of tech ignorant or adverse people who have lots of money to burn.
Yeah, I’m sure the actress who was sleeping with the creator and star of the show just got tacked on to the main cast in season three because she’s a great actor. She’s not a great actor.
The first security officer left when her relationship with Seth fell apart, and the new main character in Season 3 was sleeping with him.
The GOP would never support giving up the seat they stole by doing the right thing.
Always has been. He was barely pretending to do his job until Scalia died.
A moment in Trek history even darker than the days of Enterprise.