This 100%. The only games I’ve managed to finish in the past ten years are on Switch or a portable system.
This 100%. The only games I’ve managed to finish in the past ten years are on Switch or a portable system.
You beat the materia keeper without using materia!?
I loved Ogre Battle 64. To date, I can’t remember playing anything else quite like it.
I can get behind the CC vs CT take. I finished CT first circa 1998 but found it pretty boring (I have a better appreciation for it now). CC was a lot more enjoyable to me–combat had a lot going on, and the music is an unmitigated masterpiece.
Putting DQ7 on here is almost a bit spicy, but I think it’s one of the best representations of the series in terms of scope, pacing, gameplay, and storytelling. It’s absolutely slow, but that was sort of the point.
I respect this, but always had trouble with portal 2. It has some great parts but is also way too long.
I think BotW used music very well in its world building. While I missed having catchy music all the time to hum along to, the fact that the hardest hitting song is saved for Hyrule Castle makes the whole end of the game much better. When the music came it, it was almost a surprise to hear and really heighten the last bit. The ending was still a bit of a let down, but that music really swung for the fences. It took a lot of restraint to know you can do pieces like that and basically save all of it until the end
SaGa (the series in general). Always heard it was the obtuse bastard child in the RPG family. The series has tried a lot of interesting things and while most games in the series are flawed, they are all really interesting in spite of themselves.
I think this is a totally valid complaint and felt the same way playing MP2 when it came out. I feel that first person games in general benefit from integrating HUD elements and menus into the game world more than other genres. MP1 was a masterclass in that areas, so MP2 was surprising.
20XX has been on my wishlist for awhile. Always loved the X series. Tried to get into Gunvolt but it doesn’t seem to scratch the same itch.
I played Stardew Valley on Switch, but I cannot recommend it enough. One of the best games I’ve every played.
This was my BotW experience. Once I figured out how to make fully recovery meals, that’s all I ever used. I had like a thousand random rocks, bugs, and lizards and I have no idea what they do (and don’t really care to figure it out)
Are you trying the original or Enhanced Edition? I’ve had no issues playing the EE versions of Infinity Engine games on Ubuntu