Corporations are acting within the law, admittedly that law might not be fit for purpose but it is still the law. The disruption is unlawful and a different category of thing, you can not allow some unlawful acts and frown on others.
Corporations are acting within the law, admittedly that law might not be fit for purpose but it is still the law. The disruption is unlawful and a different category of thing, you can not allow some unlawful acts and frown on others.
She was laying in the road impeding traffic, what about the individual child alone at the school gates because their parent is unable to reach them. It is you that is using selective logic, if you allow any unlawful act you allow them all.
You talk in this way about disruption because you do not know what it can become. If you allow this sort of disruptive behaviour then by your own admittance I can come and disrupt your family to any extent I choose if I have unilaterally arrived at some higher rationale for it in my mind. Understand those laws and societal pressures that inhibit such disruption are there for a reason and if you get rid of them be sure you can stand up against the gale that will blow across the country.
I just thought that disrupting the life of ordinary people often at their most busy and pressured time was not the most responsible expression of a legitimate protest and that the very irresponsibility while drawing notice might also muddy and trivialise the intended message. But that is not the reason I am replying now, just after I made the comment I saw it was drawing downvotes and that it was an annoyance to people so I deleted it. I make this reply now as the majority of its downvotes were subsequent to its removal and I would ask someone who downvoted it without reading to explain that action, because it looks like pack mentality and straight recreational bullying.
That looks very niche, surprising it was not made obvious during booking, made a funny memory though.
I want people to hear my valid point of view so I am going to obstruct them from carrying out everyday tasks to see if that inclines them to listen and the publicity will mark us out as reasonable people.
Edit, I undeleted the original comment otherwise unchanged for reference, it was glib but reasonable I think. I believe the woman to be acting in good faith but misled.
It is such happy news these things are now more glanceable. In expectation I have been practicing walking past my screen and just glancing at it rather than looking.
Sadly that is the case, before we realised we were finite we were happy to sleep all day like a dog, we thought the days would just keep coming.
Mankind became restless when he became conscious sufficiently to be aware of his own mortality, this gave him a strong need to leave a mark on the world.
We fully accept the withdrawal agreement and will abide by all aspects of it except the stuff about withdrawing.
I was waiting in a maternity ward while my wife was having our daughter, the waiting area was surrounded by rooms filled with women giving birth so I had constant screaming on all sides of me. To distract myself I was reading one of the magazines they provided, an article on two women hiking in the Alps and I somehow managed to get a nasty papercut on my tongue. I went to find a nurse to ask for a painkiller and I was explaining to her how I knew she was busy and would not have asked only the pain was very bad and she just smiled and walked away. I thought she was going to get me a pill but she just walked over to a group of other nurses and said something to them and then they all laughed and looked over at me.
This is like a fever dream Marvel crossover title Nazi Jews.
Yes but nowhere near enough to warrant the loss.
You need to up your game I can almost understand that title.
Would you take the death of journalism in lieu.
Bait titles leading to a maze of ads, even from what you took to be serious publishers. I remember different times.
When did we develop this writing style of repeating the same line over and over.
No again, what got Trump elected was a complacency that the population was at heart clear thinking and aware of the exploits of the world.
Yes exactly and this reply is being similarly downvoted but without any response to what I asked. The people advocating unlawful disruptive action which leads to rule by the strongest are too timid to reply alongside their anonymous downvote. How would they fair in the world they are wishing for.