He made a lot of cheap cuts popular, like trotters, pork shanks, oxtail, shin of beef or brisket and they are now really expensive, and I hate that he did that. But his recipes are ok, simple and mostly tasty.
He made a lot of cheap cuts popular, like trotters, pork shanks, oxtail, shin of beef or brisket and they are now really expensive, and I hate that he did that. But his recipes are ok, simple and mostly tasty.
Allow them to be bored, out of it comes creativity. We used to have one day a week without any tech and they build dens in the woods, built a raft for the river and came back soaking wet, they played D&D with pen and paper. You have to give them the freedom to be bored, get filthy, get lost, covered in art stuff. Also, that kid from Mesopotamia probably had chores anytime he looked bored.
I would imagine it would be in something you already have some interest and skill in. Art entirely created by AI is not that great.
Depends. Are you a rich, white, straight male? You will be fine and can ignore everything. But if you are any shade of brown, an immigrant or belong to any minority group or are female or have loved ones belonging to anyone of these groups, then you should pay attention as they might genuinely be in danger.
Seems like Netanyahu wants to flatten every last bit of Gaza before it kicks in.
Song for a winter’s night ~ Gordon Lightfoot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is38naHuxjE&list=PLI8b91hMs6oIYysSHfcsQoqVqwdAD6Q_b&index=1
Thank you for your explanation.
I like the story of Prometheus. He is one of the few Gods who cared at all. I dislike any involving Zeus and his shenanigans with women, mostly because of a book of Greek myths I was given when I was 6. In it, it tells of him kidnapping various women and they ending up with his offspring and his wife’s ire.All illustrated with graphic classical paintings.
I was terrified for months that if I as much as looked at a bull or swan wrong he could come and get me. I had nightmares, and then the nightmares got the stories more mixed up in my head. It got better eventually but left me with a very personal dislike of Zeus.
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Time to start using my Mullvad browser sigh.
A woke mob, aka a bunch of people who think everyone should be treated with decency and respect People who will make sure everyone is comfortable and included in their woke mob .
Oh, magic is real, alright. I love science, but am also not very smart. I left school at 16. But despite that I have continued to follow and learn to the best of my abilities. And there have been so many things over the last 40 years but anything with the word quantum in it looks like black magic to me.
They said that last time it was a “tragic accident” so what was it this time?
Yeah, I just finished reading and I don’t understand why the world is not acting. Why can Israel act with impunity. The Western nations have clearly shown that the rules are different for non-white people and that their lives are not as valuable. The hypocrisy is shameful. These are people with dreams and hopes just like us. The language used by the government, describing Palestinians as vermin and animals emboldens the settlers. There seem to be few repercussions for killing a Palestinian, if any. Israel keeps saying ups this was a mistake and ups we bulldozed entire villages and ups, a mass grave. They say they will investigate but when they do, they find no wrong doing or just a misdemeanour or an error. The whole situation is a clusterfuck, any other country would be sanctioned at the least, and ostracised. And why are the other Arab nations not helping Palestine more? I understand the situation is complicated, but there are many diplomatic measures to put pressure on Israel without getting involved in the fighting.
Thank you for all that extra info.
I use Swiss Cow and it works fine https://swisscows.com
Here is a selection, maybe try some out https://lemmyverse.net/