• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Fact is Israel will only stop when they are made to stop. They will keep pushing it farther and farther until they fuck up and mess with someone able to hurt them bad. Until then they are untouchable and it might be a long time. But Israel has already doomed its own long-term existence, they’re just too dumb to see it.

    My money is on them pulling a military stunt, accidental or not involving Turkye and then finding out. Turkye has the means to make them shit their breaches and there’s no way in hell the US is doing anything militarily against them and risking loosing a key member of NATO to Russia. If Turkye closes the Bosphorus, the Bosphorus stays closed and nobody has the means to forcibly open it short of using nukes.

  • I have a Timex Computer 2068, a ZX Spectrum clone made my Timex Portugal. My dad bought it sometime in the 80s. I still turn it on from time to time, mostly out of nostalgia. That one is the oldest in my house. I was too young to remember it being bought but it had to be some time between 1985 or 1987.

    I also have the first model of the European Sega Master System made in 86 or 87 but I bought it second hand less than a year ago.

  • There’s a difference in something being not perfect and being fundamentally flawed. My confusion is because you perfectly verbalized why I think it’s flawed.

    I could understand being in favor of using nuclear temporarily until renewables are more reliable. I don’t agree but I understand the thought process. It’s a calculated risk, an acceptable gamble. But being aware of all the issues with nuclear and still be in favor of it long term, in my opinion, doesn’t make sense.

    Mind you, I’m not trying to attack you, I’m genuinely intrigued and curious.