the point is not LGBT, the point is that it’s used as a wedge issue vs palestine
the point is not LGBT, the point is that it’s used as a wedge issue vs palestine
Bacon is a superfood
Raw potatoes are a superfood
Poppy seeds are a superfood
Vodka is a superfood
*because superfood is a meaningless marketing term
Time for a joke about zero Megagrams
There is an implicit threat of government censorship there, even if it is ultimately toothless. And since valve is clearly not the one interested in increasing moderation, your point about the 1st amendment “not applying to private forums” is irrelevant
if it’s the government that is doing the censoring, against the will of both the users and the private company, how does it not apply here then?
It’s “real” in that the police shared the picture:
though the clothing seems different from an earlier picture, especially with this one having big front pockets in the jacket. so there’s claims that it is not the same suspect.
There literally already are proven examples, and it didn’t change anything
I thought you just wanted him afraid? Sounds like you too actually want him literally killed without charge or trial
Those are not mutually exclusive. One is much more likely to happen than the other.
And if someone does end up committing a murder because of some twitter post and going to prison for it, hey, that’s one less ticking time bomb walking the streets. Ol’ nick’s life is far less valuable than those of random innocents. And one more martyr is not going to change anything. They are perfectly capable of substituting imaginary slights for real ones.
also the person apparently spent 2 million dollars to find the number. and the money is probably from stock compensation from nvidia
that does happen to be one of the defining characteristics of mersenne primes.
And searching for mersenne primes happens to be the easiest known way to find extremely large prime numbers (via the Special Number Field Sieve I believe)
Looks like the image I found cropped out the signature, seems to be
Are these families somehow more meritorious than the rest of the population?
lacking multi-generational connections is still a pretty rosy picture of disadvantage. Statistically “unmeritorious” parents are far more likely to have their child suffer from malnutrition due to lack of money and neglect due to the parents working 2 jobs or having substance abuse issues. If the country has private schools, they won’t have access to them and due to living in a low-wealth area their public schools will have a disproportionately high amount of other neglected and abused kids which makes everything harder.
to be honest, 80% of their customers probably don’t even know what an emulator is and don’t follow news about nintendo
yeah that’s not good, may get you prosecuted under “material support” laws
if you include games with user-created levels there’s quite a few games with levels that are practically impossible for a human, eg. trackmania and super mario world
fairly sure hezbollah has more than 2800 members
other techbros have praised him, citing the exact list of symptoms google gives for “high-functioning psychopath”
(disclaimer: google may give bad medical advice)
This description could be anyone.
CIA assassination is the leading cause of death worldwide
the entirety of stackoverflow is not enough data to make the AI work properly. They need terabytes of text, stackoverflow has about 50-100GB of useful data at most